Chapter 3

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"Hello i'm Nancy how are you doing?" A pretty blonde nurse says as she walks into the room about five minutes later. She has a tint of a southern accent. That is rare this far north. She opens the cabinet door and takes out some peroxide. I squirm in fear. I remember when I was little and my mom had to put that on me when I had scraped my knees or elbows. It always hurt so much once I quit riding my bike for a month so I would not have to do it again.
"This might sting a bit sweet heart." she says sweetly. Nancy pours it over my leg and it starts to bubble up. I squeeze the side of the bed remembering how much it hurt when I was a kid. Its not as bad as I remember, but it still hurts.The pain subsides after a minute or two. After that she rubs it with some kind of ointment and wraps it up.

While she is tieing my leg the doctor walks in.
"We are all good you can go now." He says dropping something in the trash. "But I will call you if anything comes up" My mom looks down at me and smiles. I give her a half a smile and hop off the bed. She helps me walk to the car and opens the door for me. I give her another half crooked smile and buckle up.


I know something is happening to me, but I don't know what. How could something that's happening to me in my mind affect me on the outside? I think back to the scratches on my side. I need to tell someone before I get more than a little burn. I get on my phone and text my friend Amanda. Amanda and I have been friends since we were four. She has been there for me ever since then and I believe I can trust her now. "Hey meet me at the park on Lincons Street." I text her. She almost immediately responds "Be there in five, I'll text Mark." She sends back. Mark was my other best friend we both met him in in kindergarten. He and Amanda were complete opposites. Amanda was strong headed, stubborn, and tough and Mark is cautious, and smart and plays by the book. If he thinks something is wrong he gets a "tingle". I throw on my sweatshirt and open the door.

"Mom i'm going to the park!" I shout at her as I leave. I walk on the side of the road looking down at my feet. I hear a car approaching in the distance and it's coming fast. I barely make it out of the way before it comes speeding by.

"Watch where you're going jerk!" I scream as he goes by as I wave my fist at him. But when I do something weird happens. My fingers feel tingly like i have pins and needles, and suddenly purple lightning shoots out of my fingers and into the sky. I stand there in amazement and shock. I look around to make sure no one saw, put my head down and speed walk to the park.


When I get there Mark and Amanda are already waiting. Mark is wearing a coat and scarf even though it's warm today and Amanda is wearing her famous Florida University (FU) sweatshirt and a beanie. "What's up?" Amanda asks as I walk up to the park.

"Um... I have something to tell you guys." I say my voice anxious. "Are you ok?" she now says worried. "Uh... you could say that." I say sitting down on the bench.

"Some weird things have been happening to me today." I say just now looking up.

"I've been havi....," I start to say but Amanda cuts me off noticing my leg.

"What the hell is that?!" She asks.

"A lot of people seem to be asking me that today." I mutter under my breath. "Its a burn but i'll get to that". I say. "I've been having these dreams and they were really intense, and... I don't know how to explain it but i got this burn, and these cuts," I say showing them my side. "In the dream and they are showing up in real life so i don...," I say the words stumbling out my mouth but this time Mark interrupts, he was quiet all this time. "So you're saying that your getting hurt in your dream but it's effecting you in real life?" he says. "Well I guess so bu..." I try to say but he continues to talk. "Thats impossible."

"Also something happened on the way over here." I blurt out. "What?" Amanda says now a little scared.

The tough, hard as a rock girl, that I have known almost my entire life, I have rendered speechless. I try to reenact what happened with the car. I rub my hands together first and try to get myself mad. At first they both look at me like i'm crazy. I would look at me like that too. Frustrated I try again this time purple lightning shoots out of my hands and into the sky. Both Amanda and Mark jump and look at me with their jaws dropped. Mark starts to back away, a frightened look on his face. He has always been a person of science and logic, if it didn't have a scientific explanation behind it he would not believe it. So I know that he is having a hard time swallowing this. Amanda still stands there looking at me eyes wide, and Mark is still backing away slowly. But he starts to pick up the pace. "Mark wait..." I say my voice strained. "I'm sorry Mia I can't." He says turning around. He keeps walking until he disappears into the trees in the distance.


"Amanda?" I ask hopefully She walks toward me reluctantly. "Whatever is going on with you... I will help because it would be terrible for everyone to turn their back on you." she says slowly trying to put a smile on her face. I feel relieved that i'm not alone.

"Ok my mom goes to this psychic person I can get us an appointment with her maybe she will know what's going on." she says supportively all fear gone from her eyes. I just give her a lopsided smile amazed that she can still help me in situations like this. "So how does this work?" She says excitedly no longer scared. "I don't know it just happened." I say looking down at my hands. "Here zap that pole!" She says pointing at the lamp post. "Ok... but I want you to stand back just in case I mess up." I say. Pouting she goes off to the side. I use just a finger this time. I raise my hand and focus. At my will purple lightning shoots out and hits the metal and the glass shatters. The light bulb cracks too and sparks fly everywhere. When I look back at Amanda she is jumping up and down like a kid in a candy store. "That. Was. So. COOL!!!" she squeals. The rest of the afternoon we spend zapping things. I discover that I can build up energy between my hands, but that came with the price of setting a patch of grass on fire. Hopefully we don't get questioned when someone finds half the park on fire. A couple hours later we sit on the ground staring at the sky. "Its getting late and we have school tomorrow." I say. "Awe." Amanda says frowning. "Okay i'll see you tomorrow." she breathes her cheeks puffed out. "Bye." I call at her as we walk off in different directions.

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