Chapter 5

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When I awake my head hurts and my leg aches. The sun starts to peek over the horizon. The fire I made the night before has burned out, and there is nothing but a little bit of smoke wavering up. I just notice how hungry I am. I look around to see what I could eat , and the first thing that catches my attention is fish swimming down the stream. I pull up my pants and step into the cold water moving my hand around. I feel something scaly brush across my finger and I try to grab it missing. It takes me a couple of tries to grab something but when I do it's big.

I hold on with all my strength but it pulls me in with it. The stream is deep in the middle and I barely know how to swim. In panic I struggle and gasp for air but it makes it worse and wastes my breath. I swallow large gulps of water trying to breathe. I sink lower and lower. My chest aches for air. I try to kick and scoop my arms but it only gets me about a foot. The corners of my eyelids start to go dark. I fight and fight until everything goes black.


I wake up on the floor coughing up water and gasping for air. "Oh dear." Mary says clenching her jaw. "Are you ok!" Amanda shouts running to my side. I prop myself up on my knees and elbows my head down. I take deep breaths. My chest flares with pain after each breath. "I know what's going on." Mary says so quietly that I don't know if we were meant to hear it. I try to respond but it only comes out in wheezes. "What!?" Amanda yells at Mary, her hand on my back supporting me. "You are dreaming of a past life but somehow it is affecting you here. I have heard of this but never experienced it. You can not die in your dreams or that will affect you out here as well..." She says.

"You say you can make electricity?" she says finally looking at me. I finally get enough energy to sit up. I nod my head. "Show me." I barely have enough energy to make a couple of sparks , but I focus all the energy I can muster, and purple sparks crackle on my fingers , and hands. It starts to grow until there is a small ball of electricity crackling , and popping. "You need to be careful. I will send you back. Get yourself safe." Mary says. "I'm not able to remember anything." I squeak. "It is like real life I am just living it I can't send my thoughts now to then." "You need to try. Good luck." She takes my hands and gives me a one last reassuring smile and then everything goes white;


I try to remember what my friends did when they swam; as a little kid my friends , and I would jump , and swim in a nearby pond. I had to sit on the side because didn't know how to swim; I kick my legs and feet, and I start to move up. When I arise to the surface, I take greedy gasps of air trying to get to the side of the stream. I get to shallow water and lay my head down on the ground. I feel tired and weak. Suddenly I start to sob. Tears run down my face and land on my hands. I ball and cry like a baby. "I just want this to be over." I whisper to myself. I sit up, and suddenly i'm not sad, i'm angry. What did they call me? A deception of the human eyes. A witch, a sorcerer that must be killed by fire on a stake immediately. A monster. Even my own mother looked at me with fear. In anger I shoot lightning out at the pond. I sigh to myself. Getting mad is not going to help me.

I still need to get food so I go out to the woods. I find a reasonable sized stick, and a sharp rock. I shave the stick so its sharp on the end, and look for animals. . What seems like a couple of hours later I finally kill a rabbit. I use the sharp rock to skin it, and wash it in the pond. I start a fire again on the same wood, put the meat on a stick, and roast it. When it looks done on the inside and out I dig in. I have not eaten in days. They had locked me up without food to decide my fate for about 3 days and when they opened the door I took off. I only cooked part of the meat so it went fast, but it was enough. The sun was already down and the moon was getting brighter in the sky. I rip off my other shirt sleeve and spend some time tying up the rest of the meat. I use all the energy that I have left to climb a tree with low branches and place the meat where animals cant reach it. I carefully climb back down and I lay down staring at the night sky. When I was little my mom and my sisters would go on the porch and connect the dots. I wish I was home, that this never happened. I close my eyes and drift to sleep.


I open my eyes and Mary and Amanda are staring at me a worried look on their face. "How are you feeling?" Amanda says slowly. "I'm fine." I say quietly. I usually don't believe in fiction or magic or psychics, but after these two days I am about to second guess it. "There is something special about you" Mary says. "You can't tell this to anyone not even your family. People don't know what this is, they might fear and act irrationally to this. Tell no one." Suddenly I start to freak out. My life was totally fine. and then out of the blue this happens. "I, I... I need to go." I mumble getting up from the table. I stumble over my feet to the door and Amanda runs after me calling my name. I run out the door. "Ugh! Mia get back here!" she yells at me. "Thank you for everything." She shouts behind her as she runs toward me.

When she catches up i'm already in the car. "What was that?!" she yells at me leaning on the door. "You don't get it." I say quietly. "What don't I get? she says defensively "One day I'm fine, and then the next I can get killed by my dreams, and I shoot lightning out of my fingers! It is a lot to take in!" I shout. As I do my fingers crackle, and I calm down so I don't do something I regret. She stands there for a moment and looks at me. Finally for what feels like ages she sighs and goes to get behind the wheel. The ride home is silent. I feel bad for yelling. It's a lot to take in for her too. "... I'm sorry." I say my head down. "No don't be, your right. I need to be patient" she says trying to give me a half a smile. When we get to my house it is 9:56. The sun is down and the moon shines bright. I wave her bye and walk into my house.

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