Chapter 7

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When I wake up I have to process what I just learned. "Mark has powers." I whisper to myself. I check the time. The clock reads 7:15. I am late getting up but not too late so I take my time getting ready. When i'm done getting dressed I grab my phone and text Mark. "We need to talk immediately." I grab my bag and head down stairs. Mom is sitting at the kitchen table reading her book , and sipping on coffee. "Ready to go?" she asks not looking up. "Yea." I say as I slide on my shoes. "Okay go start the car." she says and looks up to toss me the keys. I pop them up a couple of times in the air before catching them. She smiles.

When I get to school Amanda is sitting on the painted rock talking to her other friends. When I get out the car she waves to me. "Hey, I have to get to homeroom early because... I have a paper I did for extra credit and I have to turn it in." I say lying through my teeth. "Okay see you later." she says, and turns back to her conversation. "Got to find Mark, got to find Mark." I whisper to myself. I go to the library because he comes there every morning to push in extra studying. When I get there he is sitting down at a table with textbooks scattered all around him. In one hand is a highlighter and the other is running through his hair with thought. I sit down in front of him but he doesn't look up.

"I know why you're ignoring me." I say, but I didn't mean to say it. It just slipped out. He jumps. "I can't talk to you." he says gathering his books and getting up. "You have it too why won't you just talk to me!?" I yell at him suddenly mad. Someone nearby shushes me. I whip around, and give them a glare, and they go back to what they were doing."Mia do you want to know something? Ignorance is bliss. The less you know about this the safer you will be. Now leave me alone!" he whisper shouts and walks out. I exhale and grunt in frustration. He knows what is going on here and he is going to tell me.


"Hey Amanda." I say as I slide in my seat at lunch. "Where were you this morning, you were late and you told me you were going to class early?" she asks. "Um... I had to drop by the library." I say. Practically I was telling the truth. I try to convince myself that so I don't feel so much guilt for deliberately lying to my best friend. "I'll be right back." I say. "Sure." she says smiling and turns around eyeing the chocolate pudding on someones plate. I head over to where Mark is sitting. Before I even get to the table he starts to talk. " Go away." he says. "I am not leaving you alone until you talk." I say calmly. I am not in the mood for arguing. I want answers and I want them now. "Okay you want me to talk? One day I woke up and there was a five inch gash across my leg and I could shoot fire out of my hands. There are people who would want to test you and experiment you to see why you're a freak. Do you think this is something I want!?" He whisper shouts at me.

"Do you think this is something I want too!? I have had to lie to everyone I love, and dodge a crazy doctor that wants to take my blood! I haven't had the best time either but that is no reason to..." I say but he cuts me off. "Wait, who wants your blood?" he says concern in his voice. "Uh... this Dr./Scientist dude we went to when I burnt my knee he took a blood test. "Oh no, oh no, oh no" he says grabbing his head. "What" I say starting to get worried myself. "This is really, really bad." He says. "Why won't you tell me what's going on!?" I say."You need to stay low from now on. Please I can't explain right now."he says strain in his voice. "I have to go." He cleans up his area, takes his lunch and walks out.

At the end of the day I wait for Amanda in the parking lot. "Hey where were you at lunch? You never came back." she says as she walks up towards me. "I'm sorry I got caught up." I say. "You have been distant lately are you okay?" she asks. "Yea, just a lot going on." I say. "Okay just making sure. Are we still up for Mary's today?" she asks. "Yea of course." I say. "Okay then we need to go now because I have a lot of homework to catch up on. "Sure let's go." I say forcing a smile. "Are you sure you're okay?" she asks before she starts the car. "Yea i'm fine." I say. "Okay then let's go." she says and we take off.

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