Chapter One*

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*That's the whole gang. On with the story!!!*

No one's P.O.V

A white-haired girl sat on a curb, her knees up to her chest while hugging it. She stuffed her face between her chest and knee's, letting the cold air hit her body. Her white coat couldn't keep her as warm as she thought she would be. A boy with white hair walked down the sidewalk with a blue scarf around his neck. Wearing his blacking jacket that matches with his black pants he was wearing. He looked over and saw the white haired girl. A smile went across his face and made his way to the girl. He crouched down to her level and tilt his head sideways.

"Why are you alone sitting on the curb?" He asked. 

She looked up at him with curious eyes. Her cheeks tinted with pink from the cold and the close distance her face was to his once she saw his face close to her. She slightly frowned and looked away from him. 

"None of your business. Can't a girl sit alone!" She said a little frustrated.

 The boy looked at her, letting out a small chuckle. She looked at him with anger in her eyes. 

"What's so funny chuckles!?" She yelled at him. He closed his eyes and smiled at her. 

"Nothing really. Just wondering if you wanted to join my little group I have." She stared at him shocked. She never had anybody ask her to join something, not even her family. She's always been alone ever since her family told her to live in the streets.

"Here, take this. I don't want you to get a cold." Said the boy as he took off his blue scarf and wrapped it around her neck. The girl blushes and lets a single tear go down her cheek. She wiped the tear and gave a closed eye smile. 

"I'll join your group."

 The boy smiled and placed his hand out.

"I'm Jason, the leader of the group." He said smiling at her. 

"Just call me Max." She said shaking his hand. 

Jason helped her up and hold her hand. Max blushed and looked down. "Come on. Let's get going." Jason said as he walked, pulling her behind him. Max smiled and laughed, following behind him.

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At a small house, still no one's P.O.V
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Jason opened the door as Max hid behind him. "Hey guys! I'm back from my walk!" Yelled Jason. 

A boy with blonde hair walked up to Jason and smiled. "Yo, took you long." 

He looked behind Jason and saw Max. He quickly grabbed Max and dipped her. "You're beauty doesn't compare to a bright red rose in morning dew." He said as he caressed her cheek. 

Max puffed up her cheeks and punched him in the throat. He let go of her and gagged. She grabbed his wrist and flipped him over as she yelled out in anger. As she was about to punch him, a hand grabbed her fist. She turned around to face a boy with brown hair with an emotionless face.

"Please don't hurt anyone." He said smoothly, yet coldly. Max nodded and hid behind Jason. 

"What's going on in there?" Said a boy with brown hair and glasses as he walked in. 

Jason pushes Max in front of him and places his hands on her shoulders. He gave them a closed eye smile. 

"Guys, let's be nice to her." 

"Nice to her!? Did you see what she did to me!?" Screamed the blonde boy. 

"You want another piece of me!?" Yelled Max as she raised a fist up. 

"Calm down everybody. Everybody, this is Max and she'll be with us for a long time." Said Jason calmly. "Max, the one with glasses is Nick, the blonde one is Micheal, and the brown-haired one is Logan. Welcome to your new family." Jason said as he smiled at Max. 

Max had her eyes shut, tears threatening to fall out as she smiles. "I don't mind this at all..." she whispers to herself.

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Thanks for reading! I hope you guys will enjoy this story! I got this story from a dream I had one day. Not everything in this story from my dream. A few of them will be there while the rest I'm using my creativeness... Is this even a word, oh well! Moving on! Vote, comment, and follow!

Edited: 08/25/18*

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