Sugar, Spice, And Nothing Nice

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Yui's P.O.V.

"Beatrix! What are you doing? It hurts." I said as Beatrix continued to suck the blood from my neck.

She finally broke away making way sure to not leave any blood go to waste.

"So this is the blood they seek so much for. You're their Eve. For now go to sleep." Beatrix placed her hand on my forehead forcing me to go into a deep slumber.

Beatrix's P.O.V.

I grabbed Yui in my arms and carried her off to somewhere I knew we would be safe. I started to listen to her voice in the back of my head yelling about how crazy I was.

"How could you? You didn't even explain one bit, you bit her! How? Why?" She spoke with a shaky tone.

"Beatrix. You know why I did it. Were the same person how could you not know? Face it, I know how curious you've been about her. Just trust me. I did this to protect us, but you know options we have left. You don't know all of the details either you know." I looked around to make sure nobody was around and opened up the wall door.

"What do you mean I don't know all the details? Are you saying you somehow managed to hide something from me, without me finding out? Isn't this only the first time you've come out, unless..." She trailed off into silence.

I placed Yui onto some cushioned blankets and pillows. I sat down next to her and massaged my neck. "Too many questions. Slow it down Sherlock. It's not the first time I've been out that you're right about. I can't tell you exactly what I did when I was out though. Not yet, and I'm going back anytime soon, so you have to be patient and wait to see what I have in plan. Meanwhile we have some work to do, so we should get going."

Ruki's P.O.V.

"Shit. I need to get her back. Azusa are you okay?" I looked around, to see no signs of anyone.

"Yes, pain is something I enjoy remember? I'm going to wake Yuma up." Azusa had the same distant look he always had.

"We need to get going, so we can find Kou and get Beatrix." I started going through any kind of plan we could use to somehow get her out.

"Ruki, we don't need to." The now awake Yuma said.

"What do you mean we don't need to?" I snapped a little at his comment.

"Look." I turned to see Beatrix. No not Beatrix exactly, it was her.

"Nice to see you both alive. We need to move to a different location. But Azusa and Yuma please go find Kou and Yui. Me and Ruki will try and figure out some kind of way to get out of this mess. And don't question anything, time is ticking and for every second that passes we could be one step closer to being in complete misery." Beatrix quickly told us all, and since we didn't know what we were doing we followed everything she said.

"Nice to see you again. How is the other you doing?" I asked watching as Yuma and Azusa went running off.

"She is actually completely awake and fully aware of everything. I'm going to make this quick, Ionly have thing to say to you before I run off. Don't plan on finding Yui anytime soon. And I'm not telling you if I know where she is or if she's dead for all that I care. But I must say. Her blood is quite worthy of the name you all give her, Eve. The blood of Eve, I wouldn't expect anything less from it. I was stupid not to notice this but she's not exactly vampire is she. She's more special than that... I've said too much already, I need to get going. I look forward to seeing you from my chair as queen." She had a smirk on her face. She knew what she had on all of us and she could control this whole thing from here. She started to walk off in the opposite direction.

"Wait! What did you do to Yui?! What do you mean you're queen?" This all was too complicated and unexpected for me to comprehend right now.

"Just wait and see. The story will unfold soon, exactly how I want it to." She winked and headed off.

Beatrix, both of you are dangerous and unpredictable. I just hope one of you doesn't cause the end of all of us. Now that our Eve is missing what will we do. Wait if Yui was taken with Beatrix that means.."Kou!" I started to run as fast as I could following whatever I could pick up from Kou. What does she have in plan? Everything about her is a bad sign. She is a walking bomb, you never know when she'll just explode.

I ran and ran closer to the horrible stench of blood. I slammed open the door, Kou was lying there half conscious. "Kou, who did this to you?"

"It was her, but it wasn't. She took Yui, I don't know where she is anymore." Kou looked at me worried.

"I need to get you to a safe place. Don't worry, our Eve will come back soon." What did you do this time? Why can't I figure you out?!

Beatrix's P.O.V.

"That should have handled the job well." I smiled patting myself on the back.

What your doing now is crazy and irrational.

"I know that of course. But I'm doing this to protect us. I'm sorry, your going to have to lay low for now."

Wait! Don't do-

I looked around and walked down the hall to the same doors I left from. "I'm back." I said in a sort of jingle way.

"Finally. What did you go and do?" Carla asked.

"I just showed who's boss. Nothing crazy, promise." I smiled.

"What do you think we should do next? I sense many groups coming and going. Which do eliminate first?" Carla looked at me for an answer.

I looked out the window then to the ground. I took a deep breathe in and out and spoke,"Don't eliminate them. What's the fun in letting them have a quick death? I prefer seeing them wither and cry away their life. Draining them of their desire for blood bit by bit. But whatever you want to do."

"A true leader. Great idea. We'll lock them up. All of them and make sure they get a front row seat to the show." Carla snicked from under the scarf.

"I think I'll go around town and lead them to home. That's when we can start the show."

"You do that. I need to tend to my own needs." Carla ushered me off and went away somewhere.

"Perfect. Stay strong in there. It's about time to add a little spice to this recipe."

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