Chapter 2: The First Gym

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Thunder shook the building, as the eevee woke from fear. She looked up at the moon, and whimpered a bit, fearing the day of tomorrow. "What will he do to me? Will I return to the wild?" The eevee wondered as she put her head back on her pillow. She pondered for a few minutes, then falling asleep. The next day, she had woken up to her alone in the room. She got a bit scared, "Did they leave me here?" She wondered as she walked outside the room. Her fur shines in the sunlight of the the morning sun, she wondered around the Pokemon center aimlessly.

She soon found herself in the lobby, where there were a group of young kids harassing trainers Pokemon, trying to act cool around the real trainers. One turned, and saw the eevee, and yelled, "Look! A weird looking eevee!" The boys turned, and ran at her, her ears dropped, as the boys where yelling and screaming, she scrambled to run away, as the boys chased her. She got tired, stopping, thinking she lost the boys. She didn't. One grabbed her, and said, "It looks really weak." Another boy commented, "I bet it doesn't even know a cool move." The eevee squirmed to get away, but she was really kind of weak, she wasn't strong enough to fend for herself.

The boys started shaking and tossing her around, she soon couldn't take it anymore, biting one of the kids hands. They dropped her, as she run away as fast as she can. The boys where screaming and yelling as they chased her again, in circles. Red suddenly grabbed the eevee as she ran at him. The boys stopped, as one of them said, "that eevee is mine! Give it back!" Red replied, with a assertive look, "Actually, the eevee is MY Pokemon, now scram.." The boys ran away, they had never been told off before, so they felt defeat. The eevee looked up at Red, saying to him, shaking still from fear, "T-thanks Red..."  He nodded, "No problem, but why didn't you fight back?" She looked down, saying, "I don't know how to battle..." He smiled that's alright, Me and my Pokemon will teach you how. After hours of work, and..many.. Many... MANY.... Failed attempts just to use tackle, eevee finally learned tackle, and quick attack.

At the end of the day, red said, "Alright, you go on home, I must resume my travels alright?" He walked off, eevee following him anyway. After a mile, Red finally realized eevee was following him, "Why are you following me?" The eevee replied, "your my home."  Red took out a pokeball, "Do you want to travel with me?" He smiled, putting the pokeball on the ground, eevee pressed the button, she was now reds Pokemon. They made it to the next town, as eevee rode in reds bag into the Pokemon center. A few girls where giggling in the backroad, as red turned, he saw blue, with his squirtle. Blue looked over, "Red! Nice to see you ol' looser!" The girls giggled, gushing over blue. "Will you ever stop calling me looser eh?" Red said walking over. Blue looked down at the eevee, "I see you spilled some paint in a eevee you old clutz." The eevee buried itself  in the bag, afraid of blue. "It's a shiny blue, now bug off.." Blue luaghed, "You finally have some courage looser!" Reds charmander came out of its pokeball, biting blues leg, as blue yowled, trying to shake the charmander off, the entire poke center was laughing at him.

Charmander let go going into its pokeball, blue running out in embarrassment. A few minutes later, they where in their room, the other Pokemon where asleep, but red and eevee where playing with a tiny ball, as the eevee   Started bating at the ball, and red watched her play. After a few minutes, red picked up the ball, " it's time to sleep eevee.." She crawled into his lap, and fell asleep, saying as she fell asleep,"night dad...." Red perked up, petting her. The next morning, red and eevee started training for hours to come. Eevee had finally learned takedown, and bite. They left, and they soon entered the first gym, " where are we red?" Eevee asked as they entered the gym, "the first gym, it's time to see what you can do." Hours later, it was the final Pokemon that Brock had, onix.

Eevee had yet to battle, and all of reds other Pokemon where fainted. Eevee was pushed onto the battlefield, her ears folded as she looked up at the onix. Onix looked down at her, and roared, she squealed, running as rocks fell down all around her, onixs massive tail crashed down beside her, she ran up the tail, and used takedown on its head, eevee falling off onixs head, onix roared in anger eevee running away in fear, she soon tripped over her own paws, falling over. She looked up, squealing as onix swallowed her whole. "EEVEE!!!!" Red cried as he stumbled forward.onix then started flailing around, roaring, eevee jumping out of its mouth, using a new move, tump card at onix, it fainting at the hit. Red ran over, and hugged eevee, "You did it! WE did it!" Eevee luaghed, her tail wagging. It was night, as they walked out, the bolder badge at hand.

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