Chapter #7

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Autumn's POV

I woke up with the sun in my eyes. As I got ready for the day, I heard Jeff yelling at who I think is BEN. Of course.. Anyway, I thought maybe instead of being upset that my parents are gone, I should just go with the flow. I mean I am in a house full of murders. Don't wanna piss one of them off, ya know. As I go down the hall and down the stairs I see Jeff with a mad face while BEN is laughing his ass off. "Hey what's going on here?" I didn't know how else to respond to this situation. "Well, BEN ruined my hoodie... and now its all covered in glitter...." he said with a pout face while crossing his arms.        "Aww come on Jeffie, its funny!" BEN was trying his best to contain his laughter while Jeff was about to brake. "NO ITS NOT! YOU BETTER FIX THIS OR I'LL KILL YOU!" he stomped off into the living room. "Come on Autumn, don't you think its funny?" He just kept nudging me on the arm. "Actually, no. That's not nice, you better fix it before Jeff kills you." I crossed my arms, "Oh come onnn Autumn, your a fun killer just like the others." He just sat there with a pathetic pouty face. "Actually I like to have fun and pull pranks, only when everyone can laugh though. Too bad you don't know how to make everyone laugh.." I was putting this dude in his place hehe.. "W-what?! Nah uh, I'm wayyyy better than you, this means war!" he said pointing his finger in the air then at me. "Not until you fix Jeff's hoodie." "Fiiiiine, I will." Just then a pink and purple sparkled hoodie was thrown in BEN's face. "H-hey!!" BEN said as he pulled the badazzled hoodie. "Fix it. You basterd." Jeff said with a scary voice. "Sheesh..." I huffed and walked over the the mansion door, I wanted to go outside for a little. Just then someone zoomed right between me and the door. It was Jeff. "Jeff, what do you want.." He stood there with a strict face. "Your not allowed to go outside right now." He crossed his arms and looked down at me like I was supposed to know or something. "What? Why? I just want some fresh air!" I said, frustrated "Because you can't be trusted to be by yourself, Slendy says you might run off." I huffed and was reaching for the door handle anyway. Jeff squinted his eyes and grabbed my wrist, spinning me around and putting my arm behind my back. "What did I just say girly, no outside, remember?" I shivered as he whispered in my ear. "Yes, as a matter of fact, I do remember, and quiet frankly... I don't care." I just starred straight ahead with a dull/disappointed look on my face. He didn't let go and I tried to get out of his grip, but it was pointless. "Let me go.." I didn't want to get awkward. "Nope, you might try to get away." He tightened his grip on my wrist and it was actually starting to hurt. "I promise I wont, because on of you guys will come after, I'm not dumb." I hoped that he would let me go at that but he didn't, his grip got tighter. I flinched to the increased pain. "You know what? I want to kill you so badly, so don't give me a reason to pull out my knife on you. you hear?" I scoffed, I knew where this was going, "I know you wont do it." He got closer to my face, "What was that? Did you just challenge me, girly?" Ok... now this was getting actually scary... "No I just know Slendy would do worse things to you, because I'm now a part of this family. Its common sense hun." Now I was getting some confidence cause his grip loosened. "I don't care." He hissed in a scary evil tone. "Don't test me." I smirked, I KNOW he's bluffing now, "What if I want to?" I probably had the biggest smirk ever. I was expecting his grip to tighten but he did something I wasn't prepared for. He picked me up and tossed me over his shoulder and ran off to the hallways of rooms. "H-hey! put me down!" I yelled while beating my fists on his back, "Nope! you just mad me really mad, now come consequences.." He opened to what I think is his room, threw me on the ground and locked the door shut. I propped myself up with my elbows and looked at him with a confused look. Oh god what is he gonna do to me... I know he wont and cant kill me but he might hurt me.. "Now..." He said as he got closer to me, and for some reason I actually backed away. I'm not scared of him, am I? "Ha, there is the fear I wanted to see in your face, though I have to say... I'm impressed by how far I had to go in order to see your real fearful face." He chuckled quietly. He got closer and closer, my eyes got wider and wider to the point were they watered from it. "Aww don't cry..." He pulled out his knife and pinned me down. He got close to my face and used his knife to wipe off my tears. He put his head on my shoulder and traced his knife on my neck, holy shit. This is scary.. I noticed my breath got shaky from the tension. "Oh girly, don't be scared." He chuckled, "I wont hurt you, if you cooperate." He slowly moved his knife away, barely scratching my skin. He moved he head towards my neck, I struggled against him, he just sat up straddled me and slammed my wrists with one of his hands on the floor. "Now, now. We wouldn't want you to get hurt, right?" He pulled up his knife as it shinned in the light. I shook my head and gulped. "Now then, where were we?" He then started to kiss my neck and I gasped right when he started to kiss under my jaw line. He then moved all the way up to my face and roughly kissed me on the lips, I moaned under the pressure of his lips on mine. His other hand then slowly reached to my shoulder. Going down to my chest, he then groped it. I gasped and he took advantage of the moment to slip his tongue in my mouth. His tongue slowly danced around mine, I was not willing to do it back, I didn't want this. He then stopped and pulled away, breathing hard. I was gasping for air, he let go of my wrists and his permanent smile widened. "That was good, girly." I just glared at him. Letting him know I was not appreciating any of this. Though I hardly doubt he cares.. He got up and held out a hand to me, "Get up, girly" He commanded. I slapped his hand out of the way and got up myself. He just looked at me and smirked. "God, your creepy when you look at me like that..." I mumbled "What do you mean?" he then softly reached out for my hands and held them as if he didn't do anything awful a few seconds ago. He gave me a soft look and rubbed my bruised wrists. I stared at him in confusion, "What are you doing?" He looked down at me, then he put his hand up to my chin, "This." at that he actually kissed me passionately, this threw me off guard. Jeff let my hands fall to my sides and held me by my waist. Instinctively I put my hands around his neck. He then stopped for air and picked me up by my bottom and dropped me softly on his bed. I gave him a confused look yet again. "What, girly? You don't like me when I'm nice?" He smirked and gently crawled over me, his face just inches above mine. Wait, is he blushing??? Wait... IM BLUSHING... omg no... "I... I like it when your nice." He put his forehead on mine, "Me too girly." and we cuddled up together. I have soooo many questions. Maybe its best not to ask though, maybe I can ask one of his friends.. With my fingers interlocked with his... I snuggled up to him. He is pretty warm... and at that thought I passed out.

Sooooo what ya think? Was that good? I thought I should do this for you guys cuz the story was pretty boring and you did come here for some action.. Wink, wink, know what I mean, know what I mean? Lol but no lemon... I'm not used to that yet, maybe later... I'll probably put an option to read a regular chapter with just kisses and romance, or if you like lemon I will give the option to read that one instead... Does that make sense? Anyway, comment to leave tips and/or requests, vote and follow for more of my books! I will make more :3

QUESTION: Which top five animals do you guys like? I wanna know you guys are freakin alive and not zombies reading my fanfic... plz answer T-T

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