Chapter #10

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Autumn's POV
So, its been a day since Jane has been in the mansion and I avoided her like how all the others did. By staying in our rooms. After being bored to death I decided to risk being seen by her and hang out with Jeff. I poke my head out into the hallway and looked around, no one. I brace myself for a lung towards Jeff's room. When I got there I quickly knocked, but no answer came. I knocked again raising my eyebrow. "Psst! Jeff, its me, Autumn! Im bored!" I listen for anything...nothing. Huh, maybe I can check? "I-I'm coming in cause I dont want Jane to see me, ok?" I turn the door knob slowly and gently close the door. I turn around and he is nowhere to be seen. Of course! Thats why he didn't answer me.. Huh I guess I can wait for him to come back? I sat on the foot of his bed, only soon to fall asleep waiting for him.

Jeff's POV
As I'm drying my hair I hear someone walk by, hope it isn't Jane... then they stopped at the bathroom door, "Hey Jeff, I want to take a shower soon so hurry up princess." Oh good, its just BEN. Its just that Jane is very mischievous and pushy so... I'm over thinking things, we are in Slenders house. She wouldn't dare to try and pull off one of her things, not here. "Mk, hold on ya dumbass I'm almost done." I hear him chuckle and walk away. I grab my eye drops and put some in my eyes, feels much better now. I wrap the towel around my waist and walk out, "It's all yours BEN." I walk into my room making sure Jane isn't anywhere near here. I close the door quietly and turn around. I nearly chocked when I saw Autumn sleeping on my bed. What's she doing here?! "Hey...Hey, wake up." I shake her arm but she is still fast asleep. Ugh, oh well... I took my pants and went in the closet to change. As I was putting a pant leg on I completely fell and made a huge noise, as my head sticks out I look up to see if that woke her up. Nope. Mk the coast is clear. I get up and get back in the closet when I hear her yawn. Shit. I kinda panicked when she looked at me. Shit! "Umm.." I turn around zipping my zipper up, turning back to her. I hear a knock on my door, great. I put my finger to my lips to tell Autumn to be quiet, she nodded. "Hey Jeff, I know your in there. I'm bored, I wanna kick your ass." Great, and it's Jane.. I hear the doorknob twist slowly, SHIT. She is gonna A- think of this whole situation wrongly and B- is gonna tell Slender! I quickly grabbed Autumn and dragged her with me in the closet, fuck you Jane...

Autumn's POV
Holy shit man, I wake up and the next thing I see is a half naked Jeff. Ohhh man.. I tried not to blush, "Umm.." I just stared at him while he suddenly turned around, when I hear a knock. Shit. Jeff gives me that signal to be quiet and I nodded. We heard who it was, shit. Fucking Jane... I panicked when I heard her slowly opening his door when Jeff suddenly grabbed me by the arm and pulled me in the closet. Annnnd we are already in an awkward position, greeaat. We can see Jane through a little crack on the slid door and she is just looking around when she sees Jeff's hoodie and chuckled. She's gonna freakin take it isn't she. Yup she took it and looked around more, looking in his drawers. I felt slightly uncomfortable sitting in Jeff's lap and tried to get comfier, but then Jeff made a small grunt/whisper noise and held me by my hips. Well that didn't work for me.. "Don't move", he whispered in my ear which made me shiver. Jane soon finally left and I relaxed. I was getting up when Jeff wouldn't let go of me and pulled me back down by my hips. Oh god.. he wrapped his arms around my waist "You liked what you saw didn't you?" I could just picture him smirking while I stayed silent. He just chuckled and started putting his hands up my shirt, "Oh my god no Jeff, stop!" I squealed. "Nope it's too late now, your really tempting..." he whispered again in my ear and brought his hands up even higher, he is super close to touching my bra, which I don't want! So I squirmed some more to break free but it didn't work. In fact he turned me around so I faced him and now he can see that I'm blushing. "Hehe, girly likes it.." he put his hands on my bra and I bit my bottom lip to focus more on getting outta here. Then that's when... I felt it in between my thighs... fuck fuck fuck noooo.

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