The Beginning of the End: Chapter 1

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The café was remarkably silent with the exceptions for the sound of ceramic against ceramic as cups were placed on saucers. Looking around the dining space anyone would think hoodies were back in trend. 2 in 3 people dining were adorning them. Every second that passed in the café increased the tension. It was as if the group was waiting. Most glanced at watches every few second anticipating something to happen. A brown haired boy, gone unnoticed by most that glanced around the room, quietly closed the book he was reading to glance at his own watch before a smirk inscribed itself on his face. Placing the book on the table his eyes scanned the room. "DOWN WITH THE LORD!" the boy shouted. Pulling his black hood up and slipping a black and silver mask on his face that covered all but one of his caramel eyes. Some civilians that had been enjoying a quiet drink screamed in terror as masks, hoods and balaclavas were slipped on. Every mask had been crafted to embody what the wearer had wished. Those who wore balaclavas were yet to receive masks or were waiting for theirs to be repaired due to damaged sustained in a previous riot or siege.

Renegades of all ages began to flood the streets. Comrades nodded to each other as the sprinted through allies and down the road shouting at the top of their lungs, "DOWN WITH THE LORD!" Civilians ran for cover as the multi-coloured army converged on their target, the prison for those renegades that had been captured or hunted down by the Lord's men. Select groups entered the prison freeing all who they could find. The brown haired, brown eyed boy kept running through the prison looking for someone in particular. He was going to get them out of here. He needed his right-hand man again. Finally, he found him. He was with a group of his and the brown eyed boy's friends. The people who led the other Renegades.

"Dan!" The imprisoned boy exclaimed gripping the bars as Dan began hacking the lock. A security upgrade had been implemented since they last ambushed the prison.
"Yes I'm here Phil and I'm getting you out. All of you are coming home," Dan smiled at the focusing on opening the door. HE finally cracked it letting out a cheer as he did so. He swung the door open allowing those trapped to escape.
"Well done Howell," A silver haired girl smirked at him as he passed her a handgun.
"Your praise is what drives me Cat," Dan replied sarcastically smirking right back at her as she took the gun.

"DeFranco, Felix, Marzia, PJ, Chris, Mark, Zoe, Joe and Caspar have groups in here freeing others. I'm here to get you guys out and to safety," Dan told the small group as he passed the rest weapons and balaclavas from the backpack.
"Thanks for getting us out," a short brunette guy thanked as he pulled the black fabric over his face enjoying getting back into action immensely.
"No problem Connor we're starting to get short staffed just don't get caught again you know what they did to Jack and Cry," Dan reminded his older friend solemnly before they heard footsteps closing in on them.
"Let's go," A blonde girl whispered slowly edging down the corridor hoping that there'd be an exit close by. Slowly the group backed away from the sound of footstep being careful to tread lightly so they didn't make a sound. Instead of an escape route, they found themselves is a battle. They all immediately started firing their guns, incapacitating anyone who thought about firing at their friends and allies.
"Connor you ready?" A brunette girl asked the short brunette.
"Ready to get back into it Bethany," He smirked under the fabric of the balaclava as the two of them left the group to help the others taking with them some magazines to reload.
"Split up!" Dan yelled at the people who he'd freed realising that they weren't going to escape the bloodbath as a group. Pairs ran off after grabbing magazines from Dan's bag until it was just him and Phil left.

"What now?" Phil asked examining the situation at hand. It was going to be nearly impossible to get everyone out without killing everything that wasn't an ally.
"We retreat saving ourselves. Anyone trapped will be executed. We don't have a choice, Phil. I just hope we haven't lost too many of us," Dan replied shooting a soldier in the air to prevent him from shooting anyone. "Don't die on me Lester, I just saved your ass," Dan added smirking to the pale boy behind him for a second not daring to lose focus on the task at hand longer than that.
"I don't plan on it Howell I quite like being alive," Phil answered back his back inches from Dan's as he watched out for any attacks that came from behind. "Do you think PJ, Chris and Felix are alright?" Phil asked swallowing as he thought of his friends.
"They're some of the best we've got don't start doubting them you Spork," Dan shouted over the gunfire. "Everyone retreat! We are never coming back here got it if you're captured you're fucked so get the hell out of here or die to try!" He shouted into the radio as him and Phil made their way out of the burning prison.

"Felix are the bombs in position?" Dan whispered in the radio once he and Phil were safely hidden in the shadows.
"They're all in position and I think just about everyone's out," Felix answered scratchy due to the interference from the radio.
"Everyone has 5 minutes to get out of the Lord's prison or otherwise you've got a death sentence!" Dan whisper-yelled into the radio so that everyone could hear.
"Are you sure this is a good idea, Dan?" Phil asked as he and Dan waited till it was time to detonate the bombs.
"Matt, John, Hank and Evan told us to do it. We're escalating Phil. We going to have a full on war. After a few days rest, we're headed to South Port and we're taking over every town in between. We have sympathises Phil we have to do this. We're going to be taken seriously!" Dan exclaimed in a hushed whisper telling his best friend the plan. "Time to go," He added after checking his watch and before he slipped out of the shadows sprinting away from the prison. Dan mental counted down from three in his head before his thumb lightly pressed down on the destination button. Dan didn't look back, however, Phil did and suddenly the boy realised as the flames rose higher and the dark smoke rose from the destroyed building why this all had to happen. 

The end had just begun.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2016 ⏰

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