Tumblr messages

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"I like this" I thought to myself, watching the empty street through my window. Ever since my old neighbours cut their tree, I could see everything from my bedroom window, including what seemed to be a boy across the street. It felt like he was watching me, though I couldn't tell as his white hoodie concealed his face. I decided to shut the curtain and go back to lying down. He was probably my new neighbour, seeing that the previous owners moved out after their homicide incident. 

I had fallen alseep when a cold sensation ran up my right arm. I looked to see nothing but darkness. Feeling along my wall, I flicked the switch to check the clock. It was 1:25 in the morning. My Sister who I shared a room with appeared to be gone. Getting up, I decided to check my phone, suprised by a message from my Dad. "Gone to Aunty Aria's. See you tomorrow." Since when did my Dad text without using abbreviations? I had the house to myself, so I decided to go online. I put my black hair in a bun and thought about why everyone except me had to go to Aunty Aria's. But of course, I wasn't allowed because I had punched their perve of a border in the nose. His fault for trying to feel me up.

"He's a monster, he's a monster, why do I want yah?"; Monster by Dev was playing on YouTube, while I opened another tab and logged into Tumblr. I browsed through the pale images on my newsfeed; knives, pale artworks, depressing quotes and all that other stuff. My brown eyes widened in suspense as a red notification caught my attention. It's been ages since I last got a message. 'Click', it opened to reveal the words "GO TO SLEEP" across the thin white message box. "Ha," I thought, "Fuck off". Ignoring the message, I carried on with my browsing. Another red notification appeared. "Don't ignore me Jennifer". Great, someone I knew probably found my blog and wanted to mess around with me. I replied with a simple "Whatever." 

THUD! I stopped breathing. What the hell was that? I opened the curtain to see what had hit my house. The neighbours lights were on and one of their windows' was wide open. A flash of silver caught my eye just as I was about to shut the curtain. My hands shot to my mouth as I supressed a scream. 'Tap, tap, tap'. There was a knife tapping on the glass. And then he came into view. His white hoodie was splattered with blood and he had a face as pale as the singlet I had on. I knew who he was. Two bloodied curves ran from the edges of his actual mouth and his eyelids were burnt off. "GO TO SLEEP!" he half whispered, half shouted. It was him; Jeff the Killer. The last thing I remember were the black rings around his eyes before he hit me across the head with something hard.

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