Chapter 4

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Looking down at the piece of paper, every single butterfly that seemed to be coming to a halt in my stomach began to frantically fly around. I turned away, cheeks burning as beads if sweat filed along my brow line.  I finally turned around, just to be met with his deep blue ocean eyes. I couldn't help but look at him and breath in his beautiful scent. Where did this boy come from? Why was he here? All these question floated around my head sending me into a daze when finally he broke the silence and said " Um....I hope you don't mind the drawing, I just thought you were really pretty" Never in my 16 years had I ever had someone compliment me like that, so I must have looked really ungrateful because he quickly said " Oh sorry I really should have asked you, um I can throw it away if you want?" Man why was I such an idiot, I quickly told it was fine and that he was really good at drawing. It was now his turn to be embarrassed as he looked down with a shy smile on his face. 

The rest of the hour was filled with laughter and conversation, I got to know him and he got to know me. We sat there talking and laughing about everything and anything. I found out that he was half cook island, half Finnish, at first I was confused as he told me, because honestly all I could think abut was finish as in like finish line. I asked him what he meant by Finnish in all my stupidity just to have him laugh in my face. His laugh sent shock waves down my spine, he had a laugh like nectar and I wanted to hear it more.I may not have been in a class nor studying but after asking him what Finnish was I soon felt like I was in a crash course  for geography.  I didn't mind though he was nice about it. He talked about how he had moved from St Andrews, and had transferred as a scholarship student in the Rugby academy.

Before I knew it the bell rang and just like that our hour of bliss and laughter ended. I was sad to be parting from him and clearly he was too. We had known each other for a total of 2 hours yet it felt like the most relaxed two hours of my life. He made me feel at ease and feel at peace. A far cry from what home was like. It was one of the few reasons why I liked school. School was a place where I felt safe for 6 hours. A place where people cared about me. A place where I was loved. 

Just as I thought we would part ways I remembered that it was morning tea.  And me being me I asked him if he wanted to hang with. But he said he was fine and would go around and find the rest of his classes, and try to familiarizes himself with his new school. Slightly defeated I smiled and said bye before leaving. I walked out of the room and turned around to see him still standing there. What was he doing? thoughts of guilt started rushing into my head as I thought about how he must be feeling in this new school with no friends. I told myself that he himself had told me he was fine but I just couldn't walk away from him. So I held my head up and walked back into the room and asked him if he wanted me to show him around, I quickly came up with the excuse that I would be really helpful seeing as though I had been at this school for 4 years already.  To my amazement he agreed and let out a sigh of relief before finally quietly saying " Thanks a lot, as you walked out I thought man I have no idea where I'm going. I was hoping you would actually come back and help me out" I smiled at him and said it was fine. We walked around the school. Showed him his classes, and surprisingly he was in almost all my classes, except for history. I was in his math, English, chemistry, psychology and P.E class. We both seemed to be happy at the fact that we shared so many classes together, which was weird as we had only known each other for less than a day. I figured he was just relived he knew someone in all his classes.  My phone kept vibrating and I knew exactly who it was. 6 messages and 2 missed calls. Shit, my friends were going to slaughter me when I tell them I was with the new guy. 

Okay so my friends are nice and all. Actually they are the most beautiful people I have every met. Both inside and out. They all know my family situation and have never made me feel any less than them. But one thing I know really gets them fueled is when they try to play cupid with me and guys. I hated every one they every suggested and so if they found out I was with the new guy they would pounce on us like, fly to shit. And I didn't want them freaking him out because honestly he was the nicest person I had ever met and I actually didn't mind him. I bought he and I some chips and a drink from the machine and walked around y block for a while before we sat down at a couch. 

Sitting there in silence made me feel at peace. With the shadows on the ground indicating our breathing I washed as the gentle rise and fall of his chest fell in time with mine. Normally I would feel awkward and make up an excuse to leave. But not now. There was something different. The aura that surrounded us was warm and inviting, unlike when I sat with other people. I felt like all everything was suddenly at ease. He looked into the distance. I studied his face, his eyes blinking every few second I saw his long lashed flutter. His jaw line was sharp it was almost painful to look at. But every dip and curve in his face showed me a boy who had been through a lot. He was a guy of few words, but every time he spoke he spoke with wisdom well beyond his years. All I could think was man this boy must have million of girls lining up for him and sadly I would probably be at the end. The bell went again and just like that we were leaving each other again. I asked him again if he would be alright getting to Computer tech and he nodded before me smiled at each other and left. I turned away with a cheeky smile on my face. As I walked to history I replayed the conversations we had had and felt like I was on cloud nine But that didn't last long because before I knew it I was late to history. shit.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2016 ⏰

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