The Hunter

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  While the wolf on top of me is distracted by the barking of the pup, I manage to get my legs underneath the wolf and push off, holding the knife in it as I do so, slicing through the ribs and splattering the red liquid over a large area as the severely injured wolf is lobbed through the air to land on its injured side, whimpering in pain, but a defiant snarl still on its face. I turn my head from side to side to dislodge the blood from my eyes to make it possible to see clearly again, given my right arm is screaming and my left has a knife in its hand. I look to my left as I sit up and see a wolf cub I recognized as the one that barked and the one the girl was holding earlier. I reach back to grab my bow, to not find it on my back. I turn my attention back to the wolf approaching the cub and think of the knife in my hand. I switch locations of the knife, moving it to my right hand, my dominant hand, and hold it with my thumb and forefinger, the tendons in my arm being extremely painful due to the wolf bite earlier. "It's not exactly a throwing knife..." I mumble as I bring the knife back, fighting back the pain the best I can, then I bring the arm forward and down as fast and hard as I can, throwing the knife. My already weakened bones fracture under the sudden and additional stress, amplifying the bleeding from the wound, but the throw was good, the aim was clear, and the knife hit its mark, in the rump of the threatening wolf. Nowhere near its target market, but amazing for what I had going against me. I then removed anther arrow from my quiver and readied it as a makeshift spear.  

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