Basically I was reading a book called "His one and only Travis X Reader" by cookie_monster_2424. (PS, It's a good book and if you like X Reader's then you should go check it out). And they got tagged. They posted it on their book and at the end they said "ill tag ALL OF YOU PEOPLE. And I wasn't sure if I had to so I went into the comments and was about to ask if we had to do it when I seen that someone had already asked that. cookie_monster_2424 replied and basically said you don't have to do the tag but you can if you want. And I'm bored so I'm gonna do the tag.
Anyway on with the actual tag.1) Do you have any pets?
Yea! I have a dog named Sasha, two cats one is named Zara and the other one is named Tia, and I also have a hamster and his name is Rascal. Rascal is actually my pet where as the rest of the pets are more family pets.2) What are 3 things physically close to you?
My phone, tablet and headphones. XD.3) What's the weather right now?
I don't entirely know because I'm sitting in my room with the curtains closed and I can't be bothered to get up because that's effort. But last time I checked it was cloudy and cold but not windy.4) Do you drive, if so have you crashed?
Um I'm too young to drive so no.5) What time did you wake up this morning?
About 07:30am because my mum had to go to work and I wantedto say goodbye.6) When did you last shower?
This morning.7) Last movie you saw?
The Secret Life Of Pets was the last movie I saw in the cinema. But I watched bits of The Minion Movie a few days ago, I was watching it on Sky.8) Last text message you sent?
"Okay thanks" a pretty boring message but I was replying to my mum so yea.9) What's your ring tone?
Well, it would be the Gravity Falls Theme Tune but my phone won't let me have that so it's just the Hangouts Call.10) Have you ever been to a different country?
Yea, I live in Scotland and I've been to Wales and England, but I've also been to Tenarife.11) Do you like sushi?
I've never tried it but I've always wanted to.12) Where do you buy groceries?
I don't.13) Do you take meds to fall asleep?
No, thankfully I don't. And I don't mean thankfully in a bad way it's just I don't have enough effort to take meds every night XD.14) Any computers or laptops?
I have a laptop which my Aunty got me last Christmas.15) How old will you be on your next birthday?
I will be 14.16) Do you wear glasses/contacts?
I have glasses which I only wear when I'm staying in my house, otherwise I wear contacts.17) Do you colour your hair?
Nope.18) Tell me something you want to do today.
Probably just draw a picture and finish it or write a chapter for one of my books.19) When was the last time you cried?
While listening to Welcome To The Black Parade in the supermarket this morning. Well technically I only got teary eyed, but still.20) What is your favourite pizza topping(s)?
Cheese. Only cheese. That's all I ever have on my pizza.21) Which do you prefer, hamburger or cheeseburger?
I don't like burgers because I don't like many meats but if I had to chooses one I'd choose cheeseburger.22) Have you pulled an all nighter?
Yes, all the time.23) What is your eye colour?
Green.24) Can you taste the difference between Coke and Pepsi?
Not really XD.25) Android or IOS?
Android.26) What do you do when you can't sleep?
I usually just read fanfics on my phone or tablet but of I can't do that then I just imagine myself in my world (basically I just fantasise).27) Jeans or dresses?
I hate both but if I had to choose I'd probably choose jeans. I only wear leggings and shorts and sometimes joggers if I have to.28) What's your favourite animal?
All types of wolves, foxes, dogs, cats, big cats, owls, bunnies, dolphins, squirrels, pigs, turtles, reindeer, and hamsters. I have a lot of favourite animals, there's more than what I've listed here. But if rou really want to know my favourite then I would say either a wolf or fox, I can't choose.29) What's your favourite inside joke?
#Lemoncake.I tag:
And anyone else who wants to do it.
Of I have tagged you, you don't have to do it.And that was the tag. I'm sorry if any of my answers are to vague or boring.
Anyway that's all for now so bye!

My Drawings And Rants
RandomThis is just a book filled with my drawings and rants about random stuff. I'll pretty much upload here every time I finish a drawing or when I have something to talk about. Some of my drawings have been inspired by other drawings, so credit goes to...