Who Is She?

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*Jihoon's POV*

It was 9 am in the morning and we will be here until 9:30 in the night, for the rituals, programs and competitions.

We actually went back to Seoul the day after cause We had work, especially Hoshi.

The days passed by he was really busy and we had less time to talk to each other and to see eachother, which made me feel sad but it didn't bring me down knowing he still tries to communicate with me every night.

He was at Incheon right now and I'm at school, enjoying the Mini Sports Competition I participated in. It was held at another school, and I'm representing in the Marathon section for our School, Seoul Diamond Arts High or SDAH for short [author: atlast! I revealed the school's name XD

Well Seventeen participated in different sections, as of now Me, SeungCheol, and Minghao participated in this section as the other members participated in, Archery, Swimming, Basketball and lastly High Jump which they just played around with, making SDAH, our school look bad at High Jump.

"You ready Hyung?" Minghao asked me

"Yep" I replied as I nodded in reassurance

I checked my phone and there was not one text from Hoshi, I sighed.

Not to soon, we started stretching and the Marathon started.

On half way, One member of a different team purposely pushed me and my body was pushed forward with too much force which made my left knee, that has no knee pad, scraped to the floor in an instant.

But still. It didn't stop me from getting up and going on, even though it felt like it was burning.

Surprisingly I was the only contestant who lasted that long, and who got first price.

After I crossed the finish line, Seventeen members immediately rushed to me, as I fell hard on the floor, gasping for air as I look at the sky.

The members called a medic and while I was laying down, my huge scrap was treated, it really got me 3 medics to treat my knee wound, because it can't stop bleeding.

"Hyung! What were you thinking?!" Mingyu said as he looked worried

"Tsk tsk. You shouldn't have gotten up." Jeonghan said as he shook his head sideways in a negative response

"If I didn't then I wouldn't have been first place" I replied

"Who's the guy?" Jeonghan asked

As our heads were thinking of the same thing, I answered him

"Name's Coni Choi, from Ho Academy, Green shirt, contestant number 47" I replied and with that Jeonghan patted Wonwoo and Mingyu and nodded at Jun. After that the three were gone.

"I need to go with them to make sure they don't send him to the hospital but to dream land instead" Jeonghan said as we chuckled then not to long Jeonghan left.

I couldn't stand up, And i think DK saw that.

So what he did is he carried me bridal style

"Come on let's get married" He said

With that I hit his head

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