Reconciled Friends And An Unfated Love

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*SoonYoung's P.O.V*

I then went to the fundraising concert held by the Lee's.

"What if SeungKwan sees me again" I asked DK worrying

"He might be pained but he'll understand" DK said as he gave a small smile and patted my back

"Hyung!" Wonwoo shouted as he ran up to me and hugged me

I stayed silent because of shock

I thought all of them hated me?

But not soon I was put in a heavy position.

"Explain" Coups said seriously

So I did as DK patted my back

"I told you he was innocent!" Joshua hyung shouted

I noticed that they were not seated according to relationships, except JeongHan and Coups

So I talked to them.

Each one of them

I ended my talk with Seungkwan and Vernon.

"I know I'm not in the right position to give advises to you two but I'm still your hyung whether you like or not." I started as Seungkwan only stared at his lap keeping his head down while Vernon was staring to empty space.

"I already denied the offers hyung! And now they just keep on forcing me to! I don't want to live there in Japan! I have no future there also! I don't want it there, but I was forced to!" Seungkwan spoke up first

"You did that because of Vernon right?" I asked him and he nodded.

"It's because you love him right?" I asked him again

"Yes. I do. And I don't know if he feels the same. At all" Seungkwan said and with that Vernon stood up and walked away with tears in his eyes

I looked at Seungkwan

"Tsk. How did you know?" I asked him

"I think he agrees to the med thing" He replied quietly

"You 'think'? Did you even ask him yourself? He loves you Seungkwan enough to not let you go and enough for him to have a reason to decline and stay. Hansol isn't just any person who'll break your heart. Trust him. Talk to him and understand him." I told him

"I was afraid that he would be like you" He replied while looking at me

"I was wrong about you hyung, and I'm sorry" He said with teary eyes

"It's okay" I replied adding it with a small smile

"Woozi is one of my closest. I couldn't help myself. But when I heard about your side I felt so guilty. Even now when his father found out about you and hyung's past relationship, Woozi would always cry. But when he was with you I always see him smile. You always did your best for us. And I'm sorry for doubting that" Seunkwan said as he hugged me and I also did.

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