Romeo and Juliet

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Romeo and juliet

I remember when my 9th grade teache taught us about romeo and juliet. When we watched the movie, when I almost cried when both of them died in each others arms, when they would sneak out to meet each other, when they got secretly married, when they were forced to be away from each other, i remember. I remember living my own fantasy of romeo and juliet. That you were my romeo and I was your juliet, that we lived together having a family,living our dreams. That even when they told us "no", we still hold on to each other. I remember. Then I woke up. It was a dream after all. You were my romeo,I was never your juliet. I loved you with all my heart, yet you never felt the same way. You were my friend, I was never yours. You were my inspiration, I was your distraction. I remember. Every single memory I had with you, I remember. The way you made me laugh with your corny jokes, the way we argued and debted on things,the time you made it clear we're never meant to be I remember. You had dreams, I had mine. You were ambitious, I was just a mere dreamer. You lived in reality, I was stuck in my own fantasy. I remember, I remember. You were amazing, I was crazy and ordinary. Everyone loves you, no one takes a glance on were the popular guy, I was blending in your crowd of admirers. You notice pretty girls, I look a potato standing next to them. You were attracted to them, you never even called me pretty or any single good word. I was childish, you like mature girls. You like short girls, I was tall. You like pretty girls, I look horrible. You like skinny ones, I was chubby. You like fair skinned ones, I was tan skinned. I remember. I still remember. How you made me feel stupid, dumb and ugly. I remember. I remember.

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