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The weekend ended....how sad...but that's not the case, I am now getting ready for school since it's Monday. I put on shorty shorts with a yellow top and putting on a gray jacket, I ribboned my hair up and added white clips to my hair since I feel a bit more free since I started hanging out with Rin and Neru.
I grabbed an orange from the counter and ran off the school, ignoring all the stares I'm receiving....maybe because of my bandaged legs....or the fact I am too lazy to peal of the whole orange. Forget it, in the end I ended up in school anyways since I can just walk there.

Upon walking in, people backed away from me once again, some getting out of my sight, and some just not looking at me. However, most of them tend to look at my new style, since I used to wear all goth stuff and skirts with leggings. Also looking at my legs, whispers can be heard about them, like: "What happened to her legs?", "Did she actually got her", or even "Is that a new fashion thing?". Questioned can be heard from a lot of students, regarding my appearance and my legs....odd.

Now there is Rin's group, I think I can hear their conversation from here, "Rin, you can't be serious", "I am!! You see, she isn't a bad person!", "This isn't Rin, I think she brainwashed you or something", "LEN!!!!!". Yep, it's of course about me, I walked away trying to not get involved, "Rui!!!!", nevermind....

I walked towards the hyper blonde and her group, Miku hiding behind her cousin, Gumi taking a step back and Len standing in front of Rin over protectively. 'When will those two admit it?', "What are you doing here?", he asked me, glaring at me, he looks as tense and scary as that one guys who tried to beat me up...who is he again? Oh yeah! Rei. "Len!!", yep Rin being Rin, she pretended to hit him in the back annoyingly, "Stop blocking the way!", she complained, "Just run Rin", "I won't! She's my sister!".

"What??", the entire group and almost all the people around us practically exclaimed. She pushed Len out of the way and grabbed my arm, "Yeah, sister!", she said, not just to her group, but to everyone else. "And you all shall treat her with respect!", she said seriously, I'm starting to get intimidated by my own younger sister.

People then just walked away in fear while some ignored, still in fear. Then Rin faced her group, "Rin, are you actually related to her??", Len asked. She nodded, "Well kinda, we're step sisters!", she said, I signed as she pushed me to the others. "Can she be part? Please?????", she asked, I just waved awkwardly at them as Miku went out of her hiding spot. "But the rumors! She will kill!", she said, going back behind Zatsune, "Yeah! She will, remember in the news", "It isn't true, they got the story wrong!", Rin yelled at Len.

The blonde taken back by the volume of her voice, moved back towards Gumi and Zatsune. "How is the story wrong?", Gumi asked, "Turns out she didn't kill him. After her dad died, she just stabbed him in the leg and he brought the death to himself", Rin explained. Zatsune nodded, "Yep, it's finally out", "You knew????", Miku jumped out of her hiding spot. "Yeah, I knew she wouldn't kill anyone", "'Knew'? What do you mean?", Len asked her while Gumi bit into a carrot.

"I was actually childhood friends with Rui", she said, I was shocked, "Y-You remembered?", she faced me with a straight face, "Of course".

"Other than the reuniting, can we please have Rui join us???", Rin asked once again, grabbing my shoulders from behind. "Rin....she has a bad reputation, she can't ruin ours", Miku said, peeking out from her hiding spot once again. "Well, Zatsune had a bad reputation when you brought her to join. Why did you let her in then?", "Cause she's my cousin!", Miku answered Rin's question, "Well, Rui may have a bad reputation, but is still my sister!", she protested. Miku was about to respond, before Zatsune placed a hand on her shoulder, "Let her in", she said.

"Z, but-", "I know the real her, she's not that bad", Zatsune cut her cousin off, my eyes widen as a smile grew on my face. "Thanks bestie", I said, she faced me and showed a tiny smile, "No problem".

Then Miku's eyes moved to my legs, "What happened to you??", she asked, Gum's, Len's and Zatsune's eyes moved to my legs as well. "I-I uh....", "Rui...what happened?", Zatsune stared into my soul, "Well...uh-", "She scratched her leg going home last Friday!", Rin said, saving my butt. "Well...be careful next time", Zatsune said, I signed as I faced my sister, "Thank you", "Don't mention it sistah".

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