Chapter 1, At the Manor

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     If you didn't read the 'Plz Read First,' then shame on you. But I had to ad somethings in here. This whole thing is over the course of I think 2 days? I forgot to make them sleep. Little problem. Ummmm maybe you should go read the thing. It's before this chapter... That's why it's called Plz Read First.

     I followed Ciel and Sebastian to his carriage. The carriage was an off white color with a golden trim. It seemed to shimmer in the sunlight. It was drawn by two white horses. Sebastian helped Ciel into the carriage. Then he helped me into the carriage. As he held my hand he winked at me. I felt my face getting extremely hot. When I got in I was amazed by the beauty of the carriage. The fabric was a soft, velvet color. And the walls were the same cream color as the outside. The colours flowed beautifully together. I must have had my mouth open because Ciel asked, "Do you like it?"
     "No, I love it."
     "Now since you'll be working with me I'd like to get to know you better." I brushed my (h/l), (e/c) out of my face to show my (e/c) eye.
     "Ok, what would you like to know?"
     "What is your name?"
     "I am _____ _______."
     "Ok _____, how hard did you work at the Albecury's?"
     "I was the head maid, saying that there were only 2 maids. I worked on everything from gardening to washing dishes."
     "Ok... Why were you running away?"
     "I was cutting one of masters rose bushes, and then the bloody dog barked behind me and I jumped. I accidentally cut the masters yellow rose. I swear that dog will do anything to get me in trouble. With my luck master had watched me cut the rose. She came out with her whip and whipped me, I couldn't handle it so I ran away."
     "If you work with me you'll have to work your hardest. But no one will whip you if you mess up. I leave the punishments up to Sebastian. My other servants are idiots, so maybe you could teach them a lesson?"
     "I'll try my hardest." Just then the carriage stopped and Sebastian opened the door. He helped Ciel out of the carriage then he helped me out.
     "How are you feeling my little Kitten." All I could do was blush. Kitten? Kitten?!? He has a pet name for me? Already?!?!?
     "Sebastian show _____ to her room immediately."
     "Yes, young master," He turned towards me and nods towards the door. "Follow me, Kitten." I followed him into the huge manor. Wow. This is huge.
      "Follow me you wouldn't want to get lost, now, would you?"
     "I guess not." I followed him up the stairs take a right, then a left... Wait or was that a right again?
     "Hmmmm?" He says looking over his shoulder.
     "What if I get lost? The Albecury's mansion wasn't nearly this big."
     "I won't let you get lost, Kitten," he turned down one more hall and the door pointed to the door to his right, "This is your room. You'll be sharing it with another maid, Mey-Rin, there should be some maid uniforms in the closet next to the bed if you don't feel comfortable sharing a bed, I bet young master will gladly get one for you. I walked in to the room and gasped. The room was gorgeous. The walls were the same cream as the carriage, it had a gold trim near the floor, there was a giant window on the east side of the room the nearly stretched the whole wall, and on the west side there was a canopy bed. It was the most gorgeous bed I seen, it might just have been the (f/c) blanket, but nonetheless it was beautiful. If  this is the maids' room, I wonder what Ciel's room looks like. I went to the right of the bed to find a dark oak closet. I opened it to find maid uniforms I quickly changed in the bathroom. (Decorate this room as you please)  I looked at myself in the mirror. I look pretty average, I wonder what Sebastian sees in me. I stepped out the door to see Sebastian waiting for me.
     "Something startle you, Kitten?"
     "Yes!!! You!!! And I have a name you know it's _____."
     "Whatever you say, Kitten." He said as he gave a mischievous smirk. Right when I was about to give it to him the doorbell rang. I heard a knock on the door. Sebastian led the way to the large, oak door and opened it. There stood a read headed man with red glasses, red eyes, and a red jacket hanging on his arms. He smiled and showed pointy teeth and said, "HELLO BASSY!!! HOW ARE YOU???!!!???"

Thanks for reading my Sebastian X Reader story. I hope you enjoyed. I'm on a train right now going to Bordeaux, and I was like 'heck, I wanna write.' *grins* I hope your ready for the next chapter. *rubs imaginary beard* yes, yes, I'll make it special. See ya!!! Kittens 😺

That Kitten, Found Sebastian X Reader Book 1Where stories live. Discover now