Chapter 3, Tea Time

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Still your P.O.V
As we walked to the kitchen I heard I loud bang. Sebastian and I ran to the kitchen to see 3 singed people coming out. These must be the idiots master was telling me about. There was a tall, blonde smoking a cigarette, an short, ginger with a straw hat that had been in flames recently, and a regular sized lady with dark, pink hair in pigtails wearing a dark blue maids outfit, and had badly cracked glasses. That must be Mey-Ren.
     "What did you do this time, Bardroy?"
     "The water for young masters tea wasn't boiling fast enough s-"
     "So he used a flame thrower to speed it up, yes he did." Mey-Rin finished who I guessed was Bardroy's sentence.
     "Who's that you got with you?" Said the ginger.
     "Everyone this is _____, she will be a new maid here. _____ the blonde is Bardroy, the ginger is Finny, and the girl is Mey-Ren." I curtsied as they said 'hello' in unison.
     "Now go on break so I can teach _____ how to make real tea."
     "Yes sir!" The all said as they saluted him.
     "Follow me." I followed Sebastian into the kitchen.
     "You used my real name." Sebastian looked at me smirked and said, "I guess I did." He walked over to the sink, filled the kettle up with water and put it in the stove for it to boil, "So how long have you been able to see the super natural?"
     "I don't know... It just kinda, happened."
     "It's ok, Kitten, we'll get through it."
     "STOP CALLING ME KITTEN!!!" I lunged at Sebastian witch caught him off guard, and tried to shove him. He moved, but it felt fake, like if he didn't want to move, he wouldn't.
     "Playing rough now, are we?" He jumped and tackled me to the ground. He pinned my arms down with his hands, "I win! Hmmmm... Now what shall my prize be for winning..." He thought for a second than leaned down and kissed me... On the lips. His lips were soft. Like a gentle breeze. We were kissing for what felt like forever then the kettle went off. And I swear, right before he helped me up his eyes turned pink, and cat-like. All I did was blush.
     "Now let me show you how to make real tea." How is he so calm after he just KISSED me. "Young Master likes Earl Grey Tea," he went over to the cabinet and got the tea leaves and a small spoon, "You add one scoop for each person then one scoop for flavour."
     "That easy?"
     "If you think so. Now come with me to master's study." I followed Sebastian with the tea cart. We entered Ciels study, through the giant dark oak doors. Compared to all the other rooms this one is really gloomy.
     "Young master, we brought you your afternoon tea." I pushed the cart over to his big desk. I picked up the tea cup and saucer and put it on his desk. Next I picked up the kettle and poured the Earl Grey into the beautiful China cup. Ciel didn't look up from his studies, he just picked up the tea and took a sip.
     "_____, could you leave, I'd like to speak to Sebastian alone." I nodded and curtsied. Then I left the room.

Sebastian's P.O.V
     "Yes? Young Master?"
     "Does she know your a demon?"
     "No, at least if she does, she shows no sign of knowing."
     "Sebastian, this is an order; find out if ____ is any threat to the Phantomhive Manor."
    "Yes, Young Master."

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