Chapter 2, Unexpected Guest

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Sebastian's P.O.V
"Grell what are you doing here???" I ask annoyed.
"Well, I came to see Bassy of course," He looks over at _____ and locks eyes with her, "Now, who is this?" Her (e/c) eyes dilated with fear.
"Yes I'm a reaper, but I'm not here to reap you, yet," He whips out the to-die-list and says, "Your not scheduled to die unti-!" I quickly put my hand over his mouth
"How did you know he was a reaper?" I asked suddenly scared if she could tell Grell was a reaper, she could tell I was a demon.
"I-I don't know it was like a red aura was coming off of him. It was kinda like reading a book, he was a word and it spelled 'reaper.'"
"Mmhmmmmhmmm" Grell mumbled under my hand. I took my hand off Grell's mouth.
"Not exactly the 'nice to meet you' I was expecting so let's start over." He held out his hand, "I'm Grell..."
"Annnnnd you are...." _____ reluctantly took his hand and said, "I'm _____"

Your P.O.V
After that short 'introduction' I went and hid behind Sebastian. He seemed mildly surprised at first then he settled down. Then the red-headed reaper said, "Wow, that's the first time someone's been afraid of me... I like it" As he said that he walked behind Sebastian and tried to grab me.
"Ahhhhh!!!" I said and ran in front of Sebastian.
"Stop it Grell," Sebastian said as he pushed Grell away. He looked over at me and whispered in my ear, "It's ok, Kitten, I wouldn't let that reaper hurt you even if he could. You see recently they took away his Chainsaw and replaced them with scissors."
"You know I can hear every word your saying, right. And just so you know it's a Death Scythe."
"You were supposed to hear me." Just then Ciel came down the stairs.
"What in the bloody world is all screaming for?!?!" Ciel seemed really irritated. When he spotted Grell he sighed, "Grell, what do you want?"
"I cam to see Bassy of course." H
"____ was screaming because she new Grell was a reaper, just by looking at him."
"Grell, leave now. And Sebastian I want my afternoon tea, see to it. And teach ____ , too." Sebastian bowed and I curtsied.
"Yes, Young Master."

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