Dylan's Surprise

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Chapter 21

Payton's POV

Today is a Friday. Dylan planned to have dinner in the Lé Fáncé restaurant. Tom is with Thalia. Maybe you are thinking why Dylan and I are going to a fancy restaurant; neither do I haha. I don't know why Dylan and I are here in Lé Fáncé.

Dylan's POV

Today is a Friday and Im taking Payton to her favorite restaurant Lé Fáncé. She had always dreamt of eating in this restaurant. She always tells me how she would always beg her dad just to go here in this restaurant but everytime her dad agrees; next thing you know he has other plans with Snow (Payton's mom). Don't tell Payton I have Cancer! That's another reason why I want to spend my last moments with her.


Payton's POV

"Dylan! Where are we going? And can I remove this blind fold?" I told Dylan as our hands crossed each other

"Just wait. Okay?" He replied back as he kissed my hand

"Okay" I replied happily as I nodded

"We're here!" He told me while he was helping me to get off the limo

"When can I remove this blind fold?" I asked

"Just a little longer" he said

Dylan's POV

"Just a little longer" I replied

As I walked inside with Payton; I slowly untied her blind fold

"Surprise!" I shouted with joy

"Omg! Dylan why?" She asked

" Because I just wanted to accomplish my promise to you" I replied

"This is the sweetest thing ever!" She shouted as she hugged me


*still Dylan's POV*

I cant tell her that I have cancer. But good thing I wrote a letter already to her in advance. Anyways Payton and I spent the night cuddling, eating, dancing and love of course.


The 2 lovers (Dylan and Payton) were back home and made love. But as soon as Payton fell asleep; Dylan made a letter. Not a love letter but a goodbye letter.


Dear Payton,

Hey wife. If your reading this, then it means I died because of cancer. Never forget me and if Im going to be a father then tell our child that her dad is Tom and not me. Oh remember I took you to your favorite restaurant? Then it's because I wanted to spend my last days/day with you. Yes. Your the only girl I have loved the most. I don't take girls seriously until I met a woman like you. If you open the box you will see something there. Remember my promise that I will replace our wedding ring if possible. Well I did. I hope you will love it. Anyways this will be the last letter you will recieve from me. And also you'll be in my heart forever because it will always be You and I. I love you Payton! Stay strong and faithful to yourself.


Dylan Sprayberry


Dylan sealed the letter inside the envelope and placed it under Payton's cellphone and slept beside her. If you're wondering where Tom and Thalia are; well they are in the other room already asleep. Anyways moving on.

Dylan finally slept beside Payton.


Morning came

"Good morning dylan!" Payton yelled as she stretched

"Dylan?" Payton got worried while she tapped his shoulder

"Dylan?!" Payton suddenly panicked and tried waking him up

"Dylan this isn't funny!" Payton told the unbreathing Dylan and tears started to fall from her eyes

Payton started crying and noticed the letter under her phone and the box. Before she even read the letter she called the doctor to come over.


Later that day

Doctor: Im sorry to tell you Payton

Payton: Why doctor?

Doctor: It seems that the patient died already

Payton: and what is the cause of that?

Doctor: the patient died because of lukiema

Payton starts to cry

Doctor pats Payton's head and left without any other words.

*Payton had a moment of silence and had a flashback from when She met dylan until the night before Dylan died*

Payton's POV

what is the cause of that?

the patient died because of lukiema

the patient died because of lukiema

the patient died because of lukiema

On what the doctor said it cant get out of my mind; I still hear it over and over again. Why must he not tell me?. Oh yeah the letter. I haven't read the letter yet! As I opened the envelope and started reading.


Dear Payton,

Hey wife. If your reading this, then it means I died because of cancer. Never forget me and if Im going to be a father then tell our child that her dad is Tom and not me. Oh remember I took you to your favorite restaurant? Then it's because I wanted to spend my last days/day with you. Yes. Your the only girl I have loved the most. I don't take girls seriously until I met a woman like you. If you open the box you will see something there. Remember my promise that I will replace our wedding ring if possible. Well I did. I hope you will love it. Anyways this will be the last letter you will recieve from me. And also you'll be in my heart forever because it will always be You and I. I love you Payton! Stay strong and faithful to yourself.


Dylan Sprayberry


I began to cry then opened the box

Inside the box were wedding rings. I looked at the inside of the ring and saw his name there and my name in his wedding ring. And a piece of paper inside the box saying


Before you put my body in the grave please make me wear the wedding ring and also please treasure this wedding ring. I told you I will do my promise one day.


It is nice to know that some guys can keep their promise. Well farewell dylan I will always love you as well.


(A/N: sorry for the late post but I hope you liked this chapter so far VOTE, COMMENT AND SHARE. Sorry for my bad gramming and all but hey I'm not perfect! :3 )

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