Connection Terminated

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1:27 AM

APRIL 24th

      I was at my house playing some late night video games because I could. I didn't have work tomorrow since it was Saturday. I worked at a video game development company. I'm the one that performs the tests on games to see if they have any bugs or glitches in them. Does that mean I'm working right now? Hell if I know. I was right in the middle of capturing a underwater base when my monitors and internet cut out. 

-"Crap, is the generator out again? I'll go check." I said to myself.

     I grabbed my wrist light and clipped it on. It was one of those flashlights that you could snap on to your wrist. I really liked it for two reasons. The first reason being that they made a new one so that one size fits all. Secondly, my generator goes out a lot, so it's really handy. I got to the basement and saw a blur dash across the room.

-"Thought I turned it off." 

     I made it to the generator and gave it a kick-start to get it back into gear. I turned and saw the blur de-cloak and extend its hands towards my neck to grab me. I hit a button on the wall before he touched me and it froze in place. One of the perks about being a tester for the central video game company of the nation is that you get experimental technology that hasn't even been announced to the pubic yet. I got the "Environmental situation simulation", or the E.S.S., 2 weeks ago and it's been great! The system scans your environment and, once the assigned bio-metric signature enters the area, it acts out a random situation virtually. You can't get hurt, but your score for that session will decrease if you screw up. When I say "screw up", I mean when the system has the intent of doing something that you have to do right and you mess up at. For example, if you're getting attacked, getting "hit" by the system would affect your score. Also, if you're playing sports and you do the wrong move, it'll decrease your score. I went back upstairs after seeing my score and booted up my computer again. There was a problem though, my internet was still offline. I went back down to my router and booted that up too. I went back to my computer and was finally able to play again. I got back into a game and connected. I put on my headset and turned my mic on. That's when I heard someone else turn their mic on too. And he or she was on my team too, so why not socialize? 

-"Hey, uhh, GoddessN00BHunter, what's goin' on?" I called to him or her.

-"Nothing much, how about you?" I heard a feminine voice say.

-"Same, I just got back on like, 5 minutes ago 'cause my power went out for some reason." I said.

-"Were you in the middle of a battle?" She said.

-"Yeah, right in the middle of performing a siege on an underwater base too!" I said in frustration.

-"What was the name of the base you were about to siege?"

-"I dunno, like, Fort...Dark Portal or something like that."

-"Got it, join my game and I'll help you."

-"Alright cool, thanks!"

     I joined her server and heard her speak up.

-"I think we can help each other. Here's what I'm proposing. I'll help you get that base if YOU help me get that sky base over there."

-"Fine, just get us there quickly. It's 2.3 kilometers away."

-"I have a hyper transport."

-"I guess that works too."

     I got on the transport and we went to the raid site.

-"This place is pretty heavily guarded, you think we'll be able to pull this off?" I asked.

-"I already checked your stats menu, we're more then capable to do this. Once we get into transformation mode, it'll be easy."

-"Alright then. Let's go."

     After a long battle with the sky base, we were eventually able to capture it. I went up to GoddessN00BHunter again.

-"Now we go get that underwater base, right?" I asked.

-"Of course." 

     I teleported to the surface of the water above the base and waited for GoddessN00BHunter to connect. She popped up in front of me and we dove in together. I spawned my battle submarine and started my attack. GoddessN00BHunter spawned a small piercing sub and directed it towards one of the supports. It grabbed on and the whole drone blew up. The structural integrity decreased to 71%. She kept going with the drones as I distracted the main guns. She disappeared from my vision and my controller vibrated, indicating that an explosion went off. I saw the integrity meter decrease with each shockwave. All the supports were gone and the base started to slide a little close to the edge.

-"You want the honors?" She asked me.

-"Hell yeah!" I responded.

     I switched to my pulse torpedoes and fired at the base. It fell down the underwater hill. Once it reached the bottom, it exploded into pieces. Right after I received the reward and claimed the base for my own, I had a bounty placed on me. I checked the description and it said that I had a very large bounty of 100 000 000 battle credits. That's INSANE! Why would someone place that much of a bounty on me?! 

-"Hey GoddessN00BHunter, you want a 100 000 000 battle credit bounty?" I asked.

-"Really?!" She asked excitedly.

-"I just want to thank you for helping me and if you don't take it, some other asshole will soooo..."

-"Thanks! Now I can buy the upgrade to my star-fighter that I always wanted!"

-"Just kill me already."

     She shot me in the head and claimed the bounty. I re-spawned near the base and went up to her again. 

-"I think I should get off now, I have work tomorrow and I want at least one hour of energy for it." I told her.

     I lied about the working tomorrow thing, I just wanted to have an excuse to sleep.

-"Alright then, I guess I'll see you next time!" She said.

-"Alright, see ya." I said as I signed off.

     Before I turned off my computer, I received a notification. I looked at it. GoddessN00BHunter sent me a friend request? I guess I'll add her. Once I added her, I looked at her profile where she could've put in some personal info when she signed up, such as name, what nation she's in, etc. I looked around and saw that her real name was Vert. I disregarded it at first, then it hit me. Vert!? As in Green Heart Vert!? I looked at more of her info. All of the evidence pointed towards the fact that she was Green Heart. Had I just made a life changing choice? Or was this something that I should ignore? I went to sleep in my bed thinking about that question.

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