R-18 Island!? (2 weeks later)

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     It's been 2 weeks since Vert and I have been dating and every moment with her feels like an adventure! Unfortunately, the one thing that keeps us apart often, is work. She has paperwork and I have labor to do. Scouting, repairing, and investigations of possible Lava Diamond bases are what I do the most. I don't know what type of paperwork Vert does but I bet she can handle it. I was in my warship mode patrolling the nation when, suddenly, I got a call from Vert.

-"Hello?" I asked.

-"Tyler, could you please come back to the Basilicom? I need to tell you something." She said.

-"On my way, I'll be there as soon as I can."

-"See you soon~."

     I engaged my afterburners and went full speed towards the Basilicom. I was close to the borders so I needed to pick up the pace. I soon arrived at the Basilicom and went back to my normal mode. I got inside and saw Vert, along with every other CPU, in the room. But for some reason, Rick, Riley and Mason weren't there. Well, I get that Mason wouldn't be here physically, but still! 

-"There you are Tyler. Come here." Vert said.

     I took a seat next to her and she started explaining something. Neptune spoke up halfway through.

-"What? An "R" rated island? Doesn't sound too family friendly going by the name." She said.

-"That's right, it's an island of forbidden desires exclusively for adults! Things happen there, you know what I mean~. Things of a certain nature in every shape and form. It's the most alluring theme park! Where fantasies come true!" Vert said.

-"What are you planning here Vert?" I asked.

-"We're going there!" Vert said.

-"Oh, joy..." I said sarcastically.


     We were flying towards the island until Nepgear spoke up.

-"I can't wait! I bet it's gonna be so much fun!" She said.

-"Unfortunately, we're not here for a vacation." Vert said.

-"What? You mean we're not going there for fun?" Nepgear asked.

-"I wish, but that's not the case." Vert said.

-"I was running a routine search on my satellite network yesterday and came across a giant gun battery installed right in plain sight on the island." Blanc said.

-"We thought it would be wise to investigate." Noire said.

-"Who does that piece of land belong to?" I asked.

-"No one really, it's in neutral land, they take care of themselves." Neptune said.

-"Island comin' up in 500 meters." I said.

     We landed and I was about to go back to my original form but I saw that everyone was staying in their CPU mode.

-"Why aren't you going back to your normal mode?" I asked everyone.

-"Because we have to go through an immigration inspection first." Vert said.

-"Alright then." I said as I went back to my normal mode.

     I got inside and saw the beautifully decorated interior. Vert came up to me carrying something.

-"Alright take this and go get changed." She said.

-"Uhhh...okay." I said, taking what she was carrying.

     I went inside a changing room and got into the swim trunks that Vert gave me. I looked in the mirror and approved. I went back out to the lobby and saw quite an amazing sight.

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