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"Sans..." Quietly I knocked on his door. Everything was silent. A cold shudder trickles down my spine as I glance nervously waiting for him to possibly answer the door. Sighing and speaking quietly "Who am I kidding... he isn't up right now." Walking downstairs I pass portraits of the happy brothers staring into my soul. Cold, moonlight gazes though the window as my shadow dances by until I reach the coat rack. Grabbing a thick coat to put over my thin pajamas and pulling on some boots I head out the door. Again I was up because of nightmares, anxiety and depression. After my horrible nightmare I woke up finding it difficult to breath, very uncomfortable and nervous. My body felt physically ill, afraid and unsure what to do. I know Sans has struggled in the past with depression from all of the resets but he had recovered when Frisk explained everything to him as well as talking with Papyrus and myself about it. I just felt I needed someone to talk to. I normally don't open up but I just didn't want to be alone. I was afraid of the nightmare even though I know I wouldn't remember it after a day. 

Frisk had gained back control from Chara and was headed to free us all. I had fallen down into the underground but got caught up in all of the resets watching all the same things Sans had to watch. I tried to intervene and help but it only ended up with Chara trying to take over me as well. I didn't let Chara take over and as punishment I had to listen to all of the awful things they told me and said about myself lowering my self esteem and hope. I had already been depressed before Chara was there, making me a bit easier to be influenced by the demon added on. It would take too long to explain why I have the depression in the first place and would just rile my mind up even more this late at night. I had been the useless human down here. Chara kept telling me that if we ever get free that I should just jump back in and that maybe the fall would kill me the second time since it didn't the first.

"Shit its very cold out here." I was interrupted from my thoughts as I take my late night walk trying to relieve the stress and millions of thoughts running through my head. Rubbing my arms I just continue my walk until I passed by Grillby's, which was closed because of how late it was. Searching the coat pockets I find a watch, it read 3:30am. I normally wouldn't walk at night but it is safe in Snowdin. Continuing my journey I see Sans empty sentry station and decide to sit inside it. Laying my head on the table I suddenly feel a bit more relaxed. With a content sigh I feel my body start to relax as I gaze onto the snowy scape. The wind was breezy pushing the snow lightly in different directions. The coat was so warm even though I knew I wasn't wearing sufficient clothing underneath, only a t-shirt and sweatpants. Closing my eyes lightly I thought I could take a small nap. My body would wake me up when I got to cold right? Well, it doesn't matter all that matters is sleep...

Sans POV

Groggily I had heard a knock at my door. Getting up slowly I rub my eye sockets and answer the door only to find that no one was there. Looking around I see _______'s room open. 'That's strange...' Thinking to myself I check the room only to see it empty. Sheets were thrown on the floor and some things were knocked over. Panic filled my mind as I quickly sobered up "________. _______!" Quickly I threw on a the first thing I saw which happened to be my normal outfit and quickly but quietly went downstairs to look for her. When she wasn't there I started teleporting to all parts of town until I found her.

"________!" Her body was shivering from the cold but yet her breathing seemed smoothly. Grabbing her cool body I pick her up and teleport us back to the house. Starting a fire I do all that I can to prevent her from getting hypothermia. I remove her snow covered jacket and boots. Grabbing lots of blankets I wrap her in them and hold her tightly as the fire flames up.

Readers POV

Waking up I felt greater intense warmth enveloped my body then when I had fallen asleep earlier. My eyes open feeling exhausted and a wave of confusion passed through my mind because for one I was back in the house and more importantly there was the skeleton that I love holding me. He jumped slightly when he saw that I had awoken. "Geeze kid you gave me a small heart attack. Why were you out in the snow, especially so late at night?" He moved my body off of his lap so I could lean against him. He brushed a strand of hair that was on my face and a sigh of grief yet contentment went out of my mouth.

"I just... I'm sorry for the trouble." He looked confused but then started to brush his hand though my hair, waiting for me to continue.

"You alright?" Burring my face into his shoulder I decided I should tell him. He was my best friend after all and I do love him though I don't know his feelings for me and all I can do is hope.

"I had a nightmare." Starting off with the basic problem of why I was up he hummed in acknowledgement.

"Yeah?" He held me a bit tighter for my own sake as I continued.

"It was bad." I could feel my throat tighten up but he continued his soothing actions calming me a bit.

"I know..." He switched from brushing his hand through my hair to rubbing circles on my back.

"Sans..." My voice cracked as I held tightly onto him. "I am afraid Sans. I don't want to be alone Sans. I don't want to be hated. I don't want to hate myself. I don't want to be useless. I don't want to leave Sans I want to be here with both you and Papyrus. I don't want to jump off of the mountain again. I don't want any more nightmares or stress; I don't know how much longer I can take this Sans. I don't want to let go but I don't want to feel all of this overwhelming pain." By the end of my statement I was shaking and had tears running down my eyes. His grip tightened on me, he lifted my chin and I expected him to say I was stupid or that he would leave me but instead I was also met by a teary face skeleton who looked completely heartbroken. He wiped some of my tears with his thumb and held me tightly as I sobbed.

"You will never be alone. I will always be here and so will Pap. Nobody hates you, we all love you and you aren't useless. Frisk told me you distracted Chara long enough for them to take back control. If I would of known about the nightmares earlier I would of helped you. I am sorry about not answering my door quick enough earlier. I love you and I don't want anything bad ever happening to you. I swear I will do whatever it takes to help you alright?" Nodding he pulled back and gave me a toothy kiss on the lips. "How about some sleep first and we can talk more in the morning alright? You seem very exhausted." I wiped some tears away and nodded. He led me upstairs but instead of my room where I expected to be left, he pushed me to his room and onto his bed. "You're staying with me for the night. I don't want you to be alone alright?" Too tired to argue he changed into his pajamas, kicked off his slippers and lay down next to me, pulling me close to his chest where I felt warm and safe. "Goodnight kid, sweet dreams. I will protect you from every evil thing whether it be nightmares or real life the best I can. I will always be there for you and will always love you."

Mumbling an 'I love you back' I proceeded to have a good nights dream for once. I know that whether I have dreams or nightmares, bad days or good ones that I would have my lovely funny skeleton by my side always there to protect me no matter what. 

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