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Sans x Depressed Reader

"Hey can I borrow your jacket?" Stopping my pace I ask the skeleton next to me. He turns and stops as well. Today Sans and I had been on 'human watch' even though I was a human; I decided to tag along so I wouldn't be lonely at the house. I have been living with Sans and Papyrus for a few months. Papyrus was training with Undyne and all of us were friends but I just felt tired and not wanting to do much so, after his shift we had decided to go for a walk in the forest (on my request might I add.) The town of Snowdin lets you see what no other town or city does, it has a beautiful forest and ice lakes which you don't get to see every day. It is always apart of your daily life from the beautiful sunrises to the snowy blizzards.

"Why, are you cold to the bone kid?" This was a bold question that I asked, normally I wouldn't ask for such a favor but I just...

"No, but can I borrow it just for the rest of the walk home?" Sans gave me a weird stare but then took his jacket off leaving his grey sweater on. Gingerly I slipped my arms through the holes, adjusted the collar, zipped it up and threw the hoodie over my head bringing a sense of warmth to my body that I haven't felt in awhile. Granted yes I was wearing warm clothing but it is not just about my body temperature being warm it's about how I feel on the inside as well. Currently my mind state isn't in the best shape it feels like constantly a high-energy vortex keeps pulling me down to the deep abyss of space where escape is futile, my own negativity and suffering surrounds me like a prison with titanium bars.

"You alright?" I flinched being broken out of my thoughts and slid my hands into the pockets. Looking over Sans had a questioning look on his face.

I flashed him one of my normal fake smiles. "Yeah I'm fine, I am just a bit tired." He raised one of his bone brows but shrugged. We both looked back forward and continued the rest of the ten-minute walk back to the house. Snuggling deeper into the jacked and sighing in my head I could feel the entire negative thoughts surround me again. 'Wow what a good friend you are, not only did you take his jacket but you made him worry.' 'You suck at being a friend.' 'You're a freak.' 'Did you really think this jacket would fully keep us at bay, you're stupider than I thought.' Closing my eyes I fall a few steps back from Sans pace but keep in good range so he doesn't suspect anything. When Sans starts crossing the bridge I stop and look down letting out a deep but quiet sigh to relieve some stress and start to fast walk a bit to catch up to him keeping my head down as I do. 'I don't want this right now. I had a great day for once and I don't need to feel this pain.' But, the voice though otherwise and continued the tormenting even more causing me to ball up my fist within the jackets pockets.

Bumping into something I apologize quickly and look up to see Sans face, which had a look of worry on it. "What's wrong kid?" Flashing him the fake smile I give everyone I give him an excuse.

"S-Sorry I was just thinking. I just got a lot on my mind." He frowned a bit and his bone brown furrowed.

"That's a fibula kid." He reached up and cupped my face with his hands. ' Was I crying, no I never cry, not in front of people at least.' "I can tell you are not okay. What is the matter?" He asked again, his eyes were staring directly into mine looking for something I didn't want to give him.

"What are you talking about? I'm fine. I am always fine." My smile stayed at the same highness and my stare had instantly gone stoic.


"Yeah." My smile faltered a bit but I continued at it.


"Sans I'm fine I promise." I tilted my head nuzzling my head into his hands trying to act cute.


"Sans I-" It was hard to smile at this point. He was slowly breaking my walls and I could feel myself start to tremble.


"Sans pleas-" The smile was gone and a small frown started forming on my face.

"No, not until you tell me."

"...Why do you care? I am not worth the trouble of being helped. Plus I always deal with it on my own." He pulled me tightly into his chest gripping onto me for dear life.

"Because I know what its like to be hurt both physically and emotionally. I know what its like to be alone and I don't want you to deal with whatever you are dealing with by yourself, because you know why? You are worth it; there is no trouble in helping you. Even if there was I know that any of us would drop what we were doing to help you because that is what good friends do, and we all love you _______. I love you _________. You are my best friend and have brought more joy into to my life. You have given me more hope for humanity. So just stop me or pull me or Pap aside, we will always be willing to help you."

I could feel tears come to my eyes. "I... I feel so alone. I wanted your jacket because I wanted to be held by someone but I didn't think anyone would plus it would just make the voices worse. I didn't want to be a burden or any trouble in any way. Your presence makes me feel so much more at ease and safe but it just gets to be too much at times you know. It makes me think of originally why I climbed the mountain, which wasn't for a happy reason. It makes me have those thoughts again and I just... I am not okay Sans. I don't think I can do this anymore at least not alone. " Trembling I am holding on back equally as tight and I feel a fire like feeling rush around me. When I look up we are back in the house standing next to the couch.

Sans pulls away slightly with tears in his eyes "Don't worry I got ya. Punny Sans will always be here for you." He cups my face again and wipes some tears away that were rolling down my face. He sits us down with me in his lap and holds tightly onto me. "You know I do have more jackets like those, how about you keep that one so that way if for some reason on this planet you aren't by me that you will at least have my jacket to remind you that people love you, that I love you."

"Really are you sure?" He nodded and rubbed his skull against mine.

"Yeah, keep it, it makes you look cute with it being a bit to big for ya and I know for a fact it is comfy."

"Thank you Sans. I love you too."

"It's no problem. I just want to be there for you in any way I can. I will make sure your never alone and will always have me to talk to. Now lets get talking, take your time, we've got all of the time in the world. 


Sans x Depressed Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now