Little Love

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Bitty UF Sans x Depressed Self-Harm Reader

My friend had convinced me to get a bitty. She knew about my depression and thought that getting a bitty would help me since I liked to help people and take care of things. Looking lazily over all of the bitty selection I noticed one that was not as interested as the rest. He was hissing at any other bitty that got near him and was sitting in a corner. Going over to him he hissed at me and I just held my hand out. He first bit my finger making me wince but I kept my hand there until he reluctantly stepped on it. I used one of my fingers to rub his cheek. "Oh that is Sans well his nickname is Edge. I'm surprised he warmed up to you. He normally just hisses at everything." I didn't look up at the saleslady I only picked him up and held him close to my chest. He looked nervous for being held high but I just used one of my fingers to pet his skull to keep him relaxed.

"I'll take him. Get the paperwork ready for me please while I look at the other bitty things I will need." She nodded quickly and rushed over to the counter to start everything. Taking Sans along with me, we walk through the isles with him in my front pocket and I let him see what he wants and I pick it out for him, putting it in the basket. Heading up to the front I pay and sign all of the paperwork and drive us home.

Once we got home his tummy growled. "You hungry bud?" He nodded, so I went to the kitchen and prepared some burgers and fries, trying to make his as small as I can. He was drooling watching me make them from my pocket. I got out his small table and chairs and placed it on the coffee table and got him out of my pocket, placing him by the table. I came back with the food and he was on the couch looking around at things. "Common Edge I got lunch prepared." I picked Edge up by his jacket and placed him on the coffee table, he was hissing loudly and I rolled my eyes. Then I placed the condiments on the coffee table so I could prepare my burger how I wanted it. Looking over Edge had scrambled to the mustard and was jumping at it. Chuckling I grab the bottle and place some on his plate on his little table. He then goes over and sits at and starts eating but looking up every few minutes glaring at me. I knew he still didn't trust me but at least he was eating and I learned that he liked mustard. After we both finish eating I clean up while he just stares at every move I make. When I get back I grab all of the bags from the bitty store and put him in my front pocket and head to my room, well now our room and set up his bitty house, shower, restroom and electricity. He even had a cute little TV that he could watch and a refrigerator, which I stocked with bitty food and now some mustard packets. I take him out of my front pocket and nudge him with my finger so he can go explore his new 'house'. Deciding to shower I go and change and get ready for the night. I had decided to wear shorts and a tank top, which showed some scars that were on my shoulders as well as thighs. When I come back I see that somehow he had gotten on my bed. Sitting on the bed I reach towards him and poke his back. He jumps slightly and turns around and bites me growling. He then notices it's me and instantly disappears. Looking over he was in front of his house. I look at him and he comes back and is sitting on my kneecaps. He looks over me and sees a lot of scars and frowns deeply. I just hold out my hand and he gets on. I lie back on the bed and let him walk around on me. At some point he makes some squeaking sounds. When he gets by my shoulders he reaches out to touch one making me wince lightly. Instantly he pulled his hand away and looked up at me. "Sorry for that, you can explore more it just hurt a little but I'll be alright." He then walked up to my chest and laid in-between my breast making me blush slightly. I decide to call my friend and tell her about my bitty. Edge hissed slightly since I had moved but I went and rubbed the tops of his skull making him go quiet and start to fall asleep. After the phone call ended I put my phone on the charger and pick up Edge and place him in his bitty home in his bitty bed. After I closed up everything, I just sat down on the bed staring at the bitty house. Sighing lightly my eyes go a slightly dull (e/c). "Please just take all of the little love I have left." Then laying down I place my arm over my eyes and fall asleep trying to dream of a better tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2017 ⏰

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