chapter seven

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Im already going to apologize. I am so so sorry how long it took to update. I gave a brief description of whats going on and why I haven't updated in a book called
important information to know

We stated moving a while ago. Moving to a new town really weighed me down. I hated leaving my friends I made and now having too start a new school I cant think straight.

I'm going into eighth grade..yeah I'm only 13...well soon I'll be 14!

So anyway im sorry its been so long and this is a filler chapter and i will begin posting more often

Please go look at my information book to see three new excerpts of stories im writing.

Here we go: (I'm still leaving chapter six on a cliffhanger >:) )

Unknown point of view~

Panting and gasping for air a young woman hiding from the growls and howls surrounding her, running for her life as 3 lone omegas chasing their prey she mumbled "I don't get paid enough for this bullshit!"

Angry and totally pissed her family left her for dead, she grabbed a wolfsbane laced knife shoving it into the nearest omegas heart. The other howled and growled circling her, lunging up grabbing onto a branch she swung forward, dropping onto his head slitting his neck, the last one slashed forward to the the girl.

Pulling the dead omega as a shield she pushed the body onto the other and quickly shoved it into his heart. Making sure each were dead and not healing, a voice spoke behind her. "Good job, child, maybe you have use after all." Turning around she saw her two leaders, Alice and Carlos, the mates for life. Angry fueling her body she stood, "YOU LEFT ME FOR DEAD!"
She screamed pushing her reddish brown hair back, bright blue eyes gleaming in anger.

Carlos glared at her, grabbing her by the neck, pulling a knife out slightly cutting her. She shook and choked unable to breathe, Alice bit her lip as she watched the blood drip down the girls neck. He licked up the blood, and she screamed out a choke as she felt his tongue swipe against her neck and the warm substance fall onto his tongue.

Pulling away forcefully letting out a low groan he looked to his wife smiling showing what used to be normal teeth, all replaced by retractable fangs. He nodded to her and cut a little deeper so the woman would get more. Crying out the girl was suddenly dropped, "You only have few uses Crowds, blood, information, and getting that boy to us!" He yelled, and Alice continued for him, "If you die along the way isn't our burden. Just our dinner, we can always find a new money hungry human willing to get someone hurt."

The two turned and started walking away to their hide out, She laid there, "I'll get him, they'll all die I swear it." She croaked out.

"Good. You better Kelsey,"

He turned an evil smirk reaching his face, "wouldn't want to the same treatment ol'daddy did right?" And with that they left. Kelsey pissed and angry she started off.



It's short I know but i had to upload what I could before school starts!

I love you guys

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See ya later!!!

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