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God he looks beautiful. He is beautiful when he walks, talks and even blinks. Do you know how sexy you have to be to look beautiful when you blink.

Maybe he's beautiful because I love him. The school despeses him. He's the schools bad boy. He stood in front of the school smoking a cigarette, brown scuffed boots against the wall, wearing that black leather jacket with his signature grey shirt.

Or maybe it's his hair? I love his hair. God I wish I could play in his hair for the rest of my life. I could get lost in that mane. The way he sometimes worn bandeau's to hold his hair or when tied it back sometimes. Either way he was pretty bad ass.

It was a rumor that he was kicked out of his former school for beating the living cap out of some dude who stole his milk. Not sure why he'd drink cafeteria milk but he gets angry when you do it apparently. It made everyone fear him.

Not me.

I loved the way how he stood by his locker and took out his books. I liked how his lips wrapped around that cigarette. I like how he probably worn the same shoes all year. I like how he is quiet and Scary at the same time. I love it endlessly.

Sure, it's weird for me to like boys. No one knows and no on cares. What's different about this guy was, he was openly gay. Once someone tried to pick on him in the cafeteria for being gay, and as soon as the word 'Faggot' slipped out of the dudes mouth, harry lost it. He flipped the table and pinned him against the wall and yelled at him until teachers pulled them apart.

That day his force was very sexy to me. Imagine me, a damsel in distress. And harry, my Knight a shining armor comes to my rescue from being hit by a car.

I once seen harry at a supermarket. He looked completely different. He wore a grey jumper, black skinny jeans and white vans. The most colorful I've ever seen him. He was carrying bananas and cookie crisp cereal.

Great choice in cereal first off.

Then when I went to the parking lot I seen him put on his same black leather jacket and get on his motorcycle and leave.

My mom said I was being a fan girl. She told me that I just needed to go up to him and talk with him. Hold a conversation.

Let's take a moment to just say, hold a conversation? I can't say a word to my Aunts and Uncles at family reunions because I'm afraid to slip and say something stupid. Then I would have to fake my death, run to The Bermuda Triangle and live their as a mountain goat herder.

I'm a simple antisocial boy who rather stalk Dylan O' Brien on tumblr and survive eating Nutella, late nights in my room and reading Fanfics till the sun comes up and binge watching teen wolf and Supernatural. Dean is hot, don't judge.

So for me to like someone like him, it's weird. How would he feel being the bad ass he is and dating so flabby, pale leprechaun.

But there's one problem people.

I don't know his name.


Direcrioner: BriiLOVE

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