Eight hundred and twenty three | 10

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Later that night I went by to see cara. Me and louis were way too excited to turn this money in and tell harry.

We got to the store after I left the hospital and hurried and rushed inside. Once we were inside I seen her sitting at the counter with the box in her lap and she was playing a game.

"I just left detention." She whined I knew she was playing school days. That's kind of ironic. We would be perfect for each other but I don't swing that way.

"Hey cara!" I said and she looked and caught my eyes then smiled.

"Oh shit little nialler. You are going to be so proud." She said and sat the box on the glass counter. Then she sat another bag next to it.

"Open it." She beamed pressed her hands together.

I followed her directions and opened my empty box of chocolates. I frowned at first then opened the bag. It was filled with dollar bills rubber band together. I squealed and louis behind me started laugh.

"How much?" I asked her and she paused my answer to walk from behind the counter. She walked to the candy Isle and I followed her. The whole entire candy bar section was gone.

"Wha- ho- what?!" I asked smiling and she folded her hands together

"It was amazing. I sold to this kid here and she asked what the candy bars were for, when I told her about your friend she bought alot. Then her friends bought alot. Then some soccer kids came in here buying a lot of candy. Then a nursing home stopped by and bought more chocolate bars than ever. It was a miracle." She said and I was so excited I pulled her into a hug and sprung her in the air. I had to put her down quickly because I'm not that strong. She pulled away and then answered my question.

"It's about 800 hundred dollars in there." She said and I almost started to cry. I pulled her in a hug again and she wrapped her arms around my neck smiling. .

"Thank you. Thank you so much." I said into her neck. She nodded as I seen louis eyes widen. He checked his phone and clapped.

"Okay show time is over. Thanks alot cara, we appreciate you. Niall, you have to get home now. Zayn is waiting for you." He said and I realized I still had the girl wrapped in my arms. I pulled away and thanked her again before running back outside and home with louis.


"Where have you been horan! I'm sick and tired of you coming home late because of that asshole Harry. He's nothing but a no good, dirty, street rat. He's a criminal and is trying to get in your mind." Zayn yelled and I was sick and tired of fighting. Tired of coming home to hear him yell.

"Louis. Tonight, you can't stay." Zayn said and louis scoffed.

"Are you my father Pakistani?!" Louis yelled and zayn punch a hole clear through the wall. His hand was bleeding and his had scratches up his arm. He looked so pissed off, he could murder someone.

"Leave louis! Right MOTHER FUCKING NOW!" Zayn yelled and it scared me. Louis ignored him as always because louis is savage af.

We walked upstairs and he groaned in fustration.

"Niall i was mad at you too! I don't remember but when I do! I'm going to kick your ass." He said and his accent getting the best of him. I pushed him to the side.

"You don't know his story! I do! And when you do. Your gonna regret ever referring to harry that way!" I screamed and slammed my door shut. I walked inside and louis headed straight for my laptop.

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