The Head Masters Office | 3

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"We can e-explain! We were in there for a good reason!" I exclaimed and the Headmaster nodded.

"Please explain to me -Niall and louis- why were you in Ms. Thaglen's desk roaming around?" The Headmaster asked.

"We we-" I started and louis cut in sitting up in his seat and folding his hands together.

"We had an assignment that we turned but needed." Louis said and the Headmaster nodded.

"So why was it you had to sneak in to get it, instead of asking for it." She asked us and I knew it. I was going to jail! I broke into a teachers room and went through her personal stuff. They'll put me in for life. What am I going to say to my mom.

"We're deeply sorry for that but we really needed that assignment." Louis said staying calm. How can he stay calm?! WE ARE GOING TO JAIL!

"Well Ms. Thaglen is the one you should be apologizing to. I'll let you off with a warning. Get home and Start with a clean slate tomorrow." She said and dismissed us. I don't know how fast I ran out of that office but all I know is that me and louis were breathing heavily in front of the school.

I looked out into the parking lot to see school had just let out. I looked out and seen styles over by his motorcycle.

"And your looking for him again James. Just go talk to him." He said and I chuckled.

"Stop calling me that." I said and I seen styles pick up his helmet and slip his helmet on. He started his bike and sped out of the parking lot the sexy bad boy he is.

"Aww, making Goo Goo eyes huh Niall?" Louis taunted and I shook my head.

"Are you coming over or are you going to make fun of me?" I said gesturing to the fact Zayn is ready to drive home.

"Yeah, I'll come."


"You Suck at FIFA." Louis said smacking on a bag of tortilla chips that I saved for special reasons. But Louis was not the special reason. If anything he was never the special reason.

"You Suck at painting." I said and he gasped clutching his shirt as if he were clutching heart.

"My heart burns! I need water!" He overly exaggerated over the fact I told him he was a terrible artist. He should know I was wrong. He was a great artist and he started to draw Ms. Thaglen as an apology. She was going to love it so I was happy about the situation.

"Oh chill wicked witch of the West." I said and he chuckled.

"Hey wanna figure out styles name again?" He asked and I sighed.

"If it involves something illegal or getting me in any trouble then, no." I said and started a new game on the Playstation I had.

"Let's just go to the schools website and see has styles been in any extra curricular activities. That way, they'll give us his name, anyway."Louis said and I groaned.

I guess his way is going to work. It wasn't illegal and it was harmless so, we got my laptop out and logged in with my username.

We typed the Web address in and waited for the results. The cover was pictures of all our schools accomplishments. I hit the Extracurricular activities and popped up everything. From the footie team to the Chess Club.

"He was in the Choir." I said and louis clicked on Ms. Reeds Formal Choir.

We scrolled through all the names and didn't yet see the last name styles. That's weird, styles was in choir.

"Check Our art class." I said and he looked up Mrs. Thaglen class.

We searched the names.

Abby Stanton

Frederick Samuels

Edward Styles

Wait? Was Styles real name Edward?

"You've been stalking a dude named Edward?!" Louis cackled at me and my cheeks burned. I shouldn't feel embarrassed because of his name. Even though it sounds like a 60-year old Deaf man.

"I don't believe it." I said and louis covered his mouth trying to muffle the laughs.

"I heard he's had more than five referrals. Check the Delinquents list." I said and louis chuckled at the name edward.

"He's supposed to be a bad guy, with the name Edward." He mumbled laughing at himself. He was really taunting me and pissing me off.

"Here's a match niall. But surprisingly, his name isn't Edward." Louis said and I looked at the screen.

Harry-Styles, Edward.

His middle name was Edward! Oh dear god, I thought I had to marry a guy named edward. Wait? Marry?

Besides, I'd love Harry even if his name was edna.

"Harry. . . Harry. . . Styles. . Harry Styles." I mumbled to myself and louis clapped his hands.

"Great work louis. . . Why thank you niall! It was my pleasure. . . Now I may marry my Big bad wolf and hope he doesn't eat poor wittle oh me! . . . Oh he won't niall, be careful. . . But he's a wolf!. . . . Just AU niall-" I cut louis short on his mini demonstration of how I was supposed to thank him but went on terribly long.

"Thanks louis." I said and we fist bumped smiling at each other.

"Now time to kick your ass in This game again." He said dropping to the floor again as zayn came in.

"I knew it!" He yelled and I looked wideyed.

Don't tell me that he found my secret stash of Dylan O' Brien pictures in the basement. I have tried to hide those so badly, they're under the floorboards.

"Knew what exactly." Louis sneered at zayn and zayn sticking his tongue out at louis.

"I knew you had a crush on Harry!" Zayn said and I felt my heart speed quicken.

"You knew his name?!" I asked, probably a bit pissed off I could've just asked zayn instead of almost getting detention today.

"Well yeah, I have one of my lower classes with him. You know one for uhh?" Zayn said snapping trying to figure out he probably had a Comprehension Class. Why was harry in his Comprehension class? It's for slow learners. In this case, zayn forgets what he learns.

"Doesn't matter, he's the assistant in the class during a free period for Juniors and I knew his name since the beginining of school." He said and I felt touched. He cared enough to remember.

"How? I mean a with your condition?" I asked and he shrugged.

"Heard you say it and it run some bells. . . . What were we talking about?" He asked and I looked at lou.

"We were talking about how you volunteered to buy us pizza." Louis lied and I snickered.

"Okay kiddos. Be back with a large pepperoni pizza and Meatlovers." He said and me and louis fist bumped feeling accomplished. Maybe louis were starting to be real friends, I guess.


They found out Harrys name!

Now, it takes the stalking to a next level. Who can guess what chapter Niall finally talks to harry?

Just got a hamster and I watch him every second of my life so no eagle will swoop him up and fly him into the heights and drop him to his death.

Anyway, enjoy.

Love you.

Directioner: BriiLOVE

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