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We see life as a big chance to make the most money ever posible. What if we took that all away.What would be your goal then. If you have succcerd at every thing else and your last goal was to make the most money in life. What if you could would you life be un finshed becuse that one goal. would you have no more purpose.

If we were to take away money and for every person who thier life was money would probly be devistated. If we were to take away Money we proble not ahave that many robberyies, because there would be nothing to staell becuse it would all be free. 

America is in a huge amount of debt and what do we do dig oursls deper in debt. If we were to take away all the money and put it twoard the debt and i am preaty shure that we have eugh to pay off the debt if we would just stop and think a little bit.

When we traded slaves the slave traders insted of paper money they wanted gun powder and food. Its Just green paper no wounder they wanted other things. 

So relly think about your values of what relly maters

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