They were 4 years and 6 years old. Their mothers were best friends and they spended alot of time togheter. "Louis" Harry spoke with a weak voice. Louis looked down at his friend. "I'm nervous for school tommorow" he whispered and Louis saw the tears in his eyes. "School isn't scary, Harry" he said but he lied that cause it was. But he didn't want to frighten Harry. People at school didnt like Louis. They called him names his mom told him to not say and ripped and burnt his drawings. They were in higher classes then him though. Louis didn't dare to stand up. He was scared that Harry will see anything of it when he came at school. "Really Louis?" Harry said while he drawed a long line on paper. A green one. "Yes". That day Harry glued his own paper in his 'Diary' and a little cheeky tear fell on the paper. And he repeated in his head that school was nice.
FanfictionThat night he wrote in his 'Diary'. He wrote it black on white cause he never wanted to forget this feeling. A warm feeling of love in his stomach. The feeling of that. "I love Louis" /// one shot