The Call

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Rydel's POV:After we preformed out show in Baltimore, we made our way to the next city that we're prefroming in. New Jersey! Since that show is in two days, and we'll probably get there by tomorrow, we're gonna go to the beach, and the boardwalk. It'll be our day off.
We got on the tour bus, and our bus driver pulled off, with the other bus following behind. My phone beep, as I got a text from my friend Brianne.

{Bri:Rydel, turn to TMZ, now.}
{Bri:Just do it!}

I turned to TMZ, and once again. I was on there. God, do these people have lives?

Harvey:Ok, what to we have now?
Worker:Tonight, during an R5 concert, a couple fans recorded one of Rydel's prefomances.
Harvey:Ahuh, Ahuh*nods;gestures for him to continue*
W:Well instead of her following the regular set list, she changed the song to a cover of Demi Lovato's 'Every Time You Lie'.
DW:Yep, and you have to see her perfom it. It had lots of emotion. You can tell there's something going on with Nydel's relationship.

"Nydel?"I question, quietly.

Harvey:Let me see this video.
W:*Plays video*
DW:Yeah...And we think that once Nydel call a quits, Rydellington will happen, since Ratliff broke up with his long time girlfriend before tour.
Harvey:That makes since.
Harvey:Well any other news?
W:Yeah, Kim Kar-

I turn off the TV, and fall back into the chair. Ugh. Right before I can actually think about all of this, my phone rings. It was Nick...


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