Diana part 2

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It was 2PM. 30more minutes until me and Tyler was going to meet One Direction. I had lied to Tyler that I was not actually in "LOVE" with him and I was just "acting" out what I would say to Niall one day. He's so gullible he believed me. He laughed like a gay little boy. I was so relived he didn't notice I actually do "LOVE" him.

It was 2:15PM.

"OMG Tylerrrr. 15 more minutes till we meet up with One Direction at the Perulicious Cafè!" I squealed.

"Wut?i didn't hear you I was texting Troye!" he squeaked.

"Oh..Troye..yeah. Cool. how's he doin?" I asked feeling a pain in my heart knowing he was in a relationship with Tyler.

"He's doing FABULOUS!! :D" he screamed.

"Oh..lovely. We better go to the Perulicious Café to meet 1D" I said quietly.

"WHOO! Leggo! ..Dee?..you look sad. You k?" Tyler asked hugging me. I nodded holding my tears back. It was so awkward. Going down the city streets with Tyler, knowing we were going to meet the fabulous 1D..and I was actually NOT excited. I wanted to just go back to the hotel and snuggle up with Tyler and watch a movie of some sort. BUT Tyler wanted to see 1D...and I did too..just not NOW...

Me and Tyler went to the Perulicious Café and got there at exactly 2:30. We saw Harry first. Then Niall,Louis so on..

"Hello. Oh hey Tyler! You interviewed us once,remember? I still have that flower crown you gave us! Was the interview a big hit on YouTube?" Harry asked Tyler with a wink. UGH, Harry can be so gay too.

"Oh yes! HARRY IM SO HAPPY YOU KEPT THAT FLOWER CROWN IT WAS JUST FLAWLESS RIGHT?" Tyler was fangirling up in Harry's face.

"Hey Tyler. Who's that beautiful girl next to you? Your beautiful girlfriend?" Niall asked with his face rounded with delight. I screamed inside he called me BEAUTIFUL!!

"Im Diana!!!!you can call me Dee tho! Im Tyler's best friend!" I introduced myself.

"Yup,she's the bestie!" Tyler laughed.

I smiled directly at Niall looking at his beautiful blue-green eyes. They were blue but they seemed kinda green just that day. maybe he was representing how lucky he was to see the pretty me!!!!..of course Niall probably thought I was just some creepy fangirl. Louis and Liam were talking about how their girlfriends were doing and Zayn and Harry were starting a convo with Tyler. Niall and I were staring at each other all lovey like and we didn't even notice until Tuler said, "y'all lovebirds are staring at eachother!"

Tyler bursted with laughter. we Both got red.

"I think I want to go get some bread. I don't really know this Café well..Niall..can you lead me the way?" I asked shyly.

"Of ccourse baby..I mean lady.." Niall jerked up with embarrassment.

"Hehe." I laughed and me and Niall went the way to the cash register area.

"What type of bread are u going to get,Diana?" Niall asked.

"I think I want Niall flavored bread." I smirked. He seemed to know what I meant. We went out to the parking lot leaving Tyler and the rest of the 1D members behind. We went into the car 1D came to come to Perulicious Café.

"Niall flavored bread..right?" He asked with a weird romantic face.

"Yes.deff yes" I whisperd.

We kissed for 20seconds feeling the "Niall bread" flavor in our mouths.

"Your lips are so soft"he whisperd.

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