Diana part 4

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"Dee, are u hiding something from me?" Tyler asked.

He looked a little mad.

"Nooo, Tyler no plz. Just don't ask weird questions" I mumbled.

" it's not a WEIRD question. WHAT WERE YOU AND NIALL DOING? U know you both took way too long at the cash register." Tyler shouted with his face red as a tomato.

"..I like Niall." I whispered.

"Ok..don't we all? What did u do? "Kiss him". Tell me the truth." Tyler then gave a smile.

"I did kiss him," I replied feeling so guilty

"WHAT. don't lie to me, Diana! Tell me the truth." Tyler shouted.

This fight went on forever until he finally believed me. I told him every detail there was to describe. I really did like Niall but... I do remember I had deep more than friends feelings for Tyler. Every time I would get that notification in my brain. It would make me groan with guilt. Tyler was my best friend and he still his but I feel like he's getting separated with me. He's been always telling me how much he misses Troye. They have been facetiming all the time.

I FaceTime Niall a lot too...but that's different. Me and Niall aren't exactly gf/bf.

My ugly inside of me was getting ugly everyday and my body told me I had to meet Niall right at this moment.

It has been 4 months since me and Tyler meet 1D. We're back in America. He's been part living in my house in Texas these days. I have built more and more strong feelings about Niall and I texted him every other hour. We have the best convo ever, all the time.

At 3Pm I texted Niall.

"Hey nialler, what's going on."

"Hey Diana! Me and Louis are hanging out right now. You with Tyler right now?"

"Yeah,he's right next to me. He's like my room mate. He's an awesome dude. We REALLY need to see each other again..."

"Yeah. We deff do.. I've been so busy I'm really sorry. Maybe can we meet at the concert I'm going at Houston,Texas I'll get you and Tyler free backstage passes! :)"


Could u believe it? Back stage passes? FREE. And I get to meet Niall Horan!!!!!

I announced the news to Tyler.

"Sounds cool... Do We have to go?" Tyler answered.

"Remember, me and Niall are in love. I get to meet him only this way!!" I said with grace filling in my eyes.

"Right..hey can I maybe bring Troye to the concert? He's never meet the boys."

"Niall said only 2 free backstage passes"

"Oh. Ok"

See what I mean?! It's just Troye Troye Troye. It's like he doesn't want to go with just ME. WHY IS THATTTT?! IS HE DECLINING ME? BUT I LOVE TYLER. I STILL LOVE HIM..he just doesn't seem to really like me.

That night me and Tyler went to Houston to see 1D. Tyler didn't look so jumpy.

"Ty. C'mon scream with me!" I shouted over the other girls.

"I'm tired." He replied. He was texting Sawyer and Troye. Oh yeah wow, group chat without me! Fine then. :(

I hugged Tyler with tears coming down onto Tyler's precious shirt.

"I love you, so please enjoy this time with me!" I screamed.

Exactly at that time Niall popped out from the car. When I looked back he was staring at me and Tyler hugging. Tyler actually was hugging back with his eyes closed so he had no idea what was going on but me and Niall's eyes met and he didn't look TOO happy. Probably cuz it stemmed like I was in love with Tyler. Niall waved smiled, the end.

When the confer was over me and Tyler went backstage. Tyler was just talking to Liam and me and Niall were hugging with passion. I dunno where Louis,Harry,and Zayn were at. I could feel all the thoughts of I missed you in our hug. Niall felt warm and his blonde hair was turning brown seeming like it growed fast telling me we haven't meet in so long. Niall was red, I noticed he was crying. I started crying a little too. Tears rolled roughly on my cheek. Then Niall started singing looking at me in my red crying eyes,

"Diana. Lemme be the one to set a fire inside those eyes. You've been lonely you don't even know me. But I can feel you cryin, Diana-- It's only been 4 months but you've fallen down so hard. How could someone mislead you at all. Baby you'd be saving mine." Those were the most parts I loved from the song he sang for me.

"I noticed the end 'baby you'd be saving mine' what's 'mine'?" I asked

"This baby girl." Niall replied with a heart necklace having our initials dangling from inside of the heart. "You've been saving my heart from breaking."

The song was beautiful knowing more and more about the meanings. I cried even more and hugged him. I never wanted to let go

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2013 ⏰

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