Chapter 2: The Adventure Begins

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I'm done writing with the weird language thing, to much work. I don't know, tell me what you guys think. This chapter I'll write without the speech thingy, and the next chapter I'll leave up to you guys.

Kat hopped aboard the airship with her father. Kat was never allowed to step foot on her father's airship when she was younger, so this was all a surprise for her. Her father taught her how to drive the mighty balloon, and Kat caught in quickly, the only thing she had trouble with was landing it. Kat's father was impressed at how well Kat could control the balloon

"Well sweetheart, what did you think of her'" Kat's father asked as they stepped inside his house. "I loved it, she's a beauty, and a breeze to drive" Kat replied. It was always Kat's dream to one day drive her father's balloon (also I think imma call the "airship" a balloon from now on too), but she wanted to do so with her father along side her.

   Kat spent the rest of the day either catching up with her father, or flying the balloon. Her father let her spend the night at his house, the nights in Aiken were particularly warm, even on the mountain top. That night was beautiful, full moon, stars burning with passion. The cooler air of the mountain, and the soft sound of night was enough to soothe sweet Kat to sleep.

   The night was not so silent, no, it was a parade of many soft noises combining to become the roaring of the crowd. All nights in Aiken were loud, but this night was sinister. In the cover of black, lay a great evil. The evil, of Queen Iris.

   The following morning Kat woke up to hear her father scream. Something was wrong. Kat smelled smoke and heard the the awful scratching of metal, another scream. Kat rushed out of bed and too the door, only to be stopped by a royal guard. "Halt!" shouted the guard, but that didn't stop Kat. She pushed pass him and ran into the living room. 

   Kat stopped. There they were, her, her dying father, and Queen Iris, holding a blood covered knife. Kat's rage grew inside, and her mind become clouded with the intent to kill. She picked up her father's 'Dragon's Tongue' blade and shouted "I'll kill you!", and ran toward Iris.
The Queen however was faster than Kat, and fled with her guards. Kat began to run out the door and hunt the evil queen, when she heard a whimper from the corner of the room.

"K-Kat, d-don't go" her father spattered
"Dad" Kat said with sadness and anger.

"Kat, I will always love you, so please, d-don't go after her"

"Hush now, you must save your strength, I'm going to take you to Mechan to get treated"

"Kat no" her father said, smiling sadly, "I've lost to much blood, and I won't survive the trip, my Tim ha…"

"SHUT UP!" Kat interrupted, "You don't know that, you don't know how fast I am, you were never there to see me grow up, so how can you say something like that!"

"Kat, please, I'm sorry I dragged you into this, I'm sorry you had to watch me go, and I'm sorry you have to deal with this now. I don't have time to… *spits blood*… tell you what happened, but please, send your old man out in peace, please don't go after Queen Iris."

"You know I can't sit back and let this slide, I'm so sorry dad, but I promise you I won't die."

"I understand, thank you, I can now rest in peace knowing you won't join me anytime soon. . . G o o d  B . . ."

"Dad, dad, dad no, I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry, dad please, please don't leave me, dad, dad, DAAAAAAAD!"

That was the last Kat ever heard from her dad.

    That night, Kat took her father to The Lake of A Thousand Dreams, and watched him drift away from her, forever. The boat was set a blaze before sent away. Kat wore the purple hooded cape her father gave to her after she turned 13, and cried. She made a promise not to die before, or soon after she killed Queen Iris, and she wasn't sure if she was going to keep it, but she had one thing in mind, never trust anyone. She trusted the Queen, she trusted her father, she trusted the people of Mechan, but no one would help her with her father, or his funeral. Her only companions were Mina, the balloon, and whoever this mysterious girl was. Now starts the official adventure of Kat and Mina, first stop, the heart Aiken, The Endless Story.

Wow guys, first off sorry it took me about 4 months to write a new chapter on the lives of the lovely Fair family, I've been extremely busy with  a lot of things, and I haven't gotten around to writing, second, this chapter was one of my barest to write in any story. I mean, having to write a 16 yr old girl have to whiteness her father die was pretty rough and hard to picture, and the funeral scene was way worse in my head then on, paper? Anyway, I better get going, I wanna keep writing, and next chapter we travel to the amazing city of The Endless Story.

Stay Nerdy



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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2017 ⏰

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