Inner Demon

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There is an inner demon in all of us.
One that we can't control.
It's a part of us,
But it is not of us.
It is it's own separate being
It comes out when we get mad
When we are depressed
When we walk out into the place called life.
I don't know why I'm stupid enough to even try.
You can't control it.
You can't fight it.
The best thing you can do is accept it. 
Accept that you will never rule it.
But you can tame it.
It will always be there.
But it doesn't have to control you.
That's the best you can do.
So that's what you should do.
Tame it.
Befriend it.
Love it.
Embrace it.
Because that's all we can do.
And I'm pretty damn good at that.

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