Chapter One: The Beginning

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*Hey guys so (Hello) this means the boys are having a conversation in their mind. Just a side note. I hope you like this edited version.*

Ugh, Science, my least favorite class. I just have to wait thirty more minutes until fourth period Aka my favorite class, Music.

"Attention Students, there will be a brief search during this class period, nothing to be alarmed about. The kind army men will explain when they arrive to your class."  Our principals announces on the intercom.

Me and Avery immediately look at each other. "What do you think is going on?" Avery whispers. I shrug.

Could it be the Hunters? No, they aren't this obvious. "Maybe it is the Hunters." Avery whispers. He was reading my mind again.

See one thing twins that are gifted share is the fact that they can read each other's mind at will, unfortunately we haven't got it down pack yet so he can read my mind at the not most opportune time. "Yeah we should keep our guard up." I whisper.

The door swings open, in comes two men dressed in a camouflage suit. "We are a branch of the United States Army, we will be waving this harmless device over your face, to put a picture of your face into our facial identification system. To help allow the U.S. Government to better identify citizens in case of an emergency." They pull out a small scanner and start scanning students a few seats ahead of us.

"Hold my hand and if something goes wrong I'll teleports us out." Avery slowly grabs my hand, and intwines our fingers, I squeeze tighter as they come closer to me.

The man finally reaches me. I look up at him slightly terrified at the outcome. "Don't worry it won't hurt a bit." He places the device at the top of my head and slowly waves it down my face.

The device gives off a ringing sound and starts glowing. "He's one of them!" The soldier yells. The other soldier whips out his gun and fires before I'm able to react. I look up to see the bullet frozen in ice along with the soldier who fired it. I look at my brother to thank him for his doing. "Hurry we have to get out of here!" I yell.

I quickly teleport Avery and I out of the school. We land on a hill outside several feet from the school. "So we're they working for the Hunters?" Avery asks. "I don't know, but they have a device to see who are gifted, so whoever they are, they're very dangerous." We take a few minutes to catch our breath and try to analyze the situation.

"Ok so we can't just teleport home, because they could have home surrounded, but let's meet at the rendezvous point, and wait for mom and dad." I nod in agreement. We start walking through the woods towards the building.

This means we're going have to move again! Yeah people are trying to kill us, and all I'm worried about is moving! Yeah, but this is the third time this year! "Hey don't worry, we'll find somewhere else to settle down." Avery says. "Reading my mind again I see." He shows his bright smile I know too well.

Avery stops walking. I stop as well confused at the causation. He points left, and there stands Amira and Marcus the best Hunters, surrounded by about twenty others soldiers. We kneel down hoping to not be spotted.

"They couldn't have gotten that far away." Amira says. "Yes they're near, trust me. Search out in all directions bring them to me alive!" Marcus yells.

"We have to go and, now!" I whisper yell. "Yeah but where?" Avery questions. "Well they are too close to the rendezvous point, our only chance is to get home. If they are there too, we'll just have to find mom and dad later. Avery nods in agreement.

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