Chapter Three: Home

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"Austin." I feel my shoulder jerk back and forth but it soon stops. "Austin it's time to wake up." My shoulder is jerked once again. "Austin, we're finally home." I peek my eyes open to see Avery hovering over me with a giant smile. "" I stutter. "Get up were home!" He pulls my shirt jerking my body forward like a dummy.

"Come on!" He yells as he jumps out the car. "Just one more minute." I whisper. "No!" A blast of water hits my face springing me awake.

I wipe the water off my face and proceed to exit the van. I turn to face the house and my jaw drops open. There stands a tall two story house. The house is barely painted white, with the paint chipped every where. The shutters on the house are holding on by the grace of God. It looks like the kind of house that is haunted by dozens of ghosts.

I decide to walk into the haunted house, when I do I am amazed at what I see, it looks so beautiful! The entrance hallway leads to a beautiful brown spiraling staircase. Which a glass chandelier is illuminating.

I take a left and enter what I presume to be a living room, in the center of the room sits a giant grand piano, "I can't wait to play that beauty" I whisper to myself. Around the room sets a white sectional, with all this around there is still plenty of space.

I exit into the next room, which is a giant dining room, the light brown table is surrounded by eight matching chairs. I stare at the new chandelier more beautiful than the one hanging above the staircase. There are different glass cabinets spaced around the room filled with extraordinary crystals.

I move on to the next room, the Kitchen which I know way to well. In the middle sits a island with a beautiful grey marble countertop. The room is surrounded by different cabinets, a stove, refrigerator, and dish washer. There is a door that leads to the back yard I ignore it a move on to the next room.

The Den. I see a black leather sectional along the back wall, a small coffee table in front of it. I see a TV stand with no TV. I laugh at that. "Don't worry we'll get that too." Dad says. All my life I wondered how did we pay for things, mom and dad have never worked. So how do we get money. I decide not to dwell on the question no longer.

Once I exit the Den, I realize that I made a complete 360 and I'm back to the spiraling stairwell. "The rooms are upstairs." Dad says. Mom and Avery come out of the Living to make their way up to our new rooms. We follow Dad up the staircase which is longer than I expected.

We reach the top and spot five doors, two along the left wall and two on the right, which leaves one door that is on the very back wall. "So me and your mom's room is the first door on the left. Austin, your room is the first door on the right, and Avery your's is the second. So every one let's unpack the little boxes we have."

I walk down stairs and see the boxes stacked up in the corner. I grab the three boxes with my name on it and so does Avery. I walk back up stairs. I stand in front of my new door running different images in my head of what to expect when I enter.

I twist the metal doorknob and push the door open. I'm quickly amazed to see the room. The bed is in the right back corner it has a black and white floral bed set. The carpet is a soft black fabric and the walls are bright white. Beside my bed is a black desk with a window to look from. I turn around and see another door, I enter it and realize it's a huge closet. It could fit my whole family's clothes in it. I exit back into my room, and see that the wall my bed lays along is a book case that extends from my bed to the ceiling. I shut both doors and hidden in the corner is a black bubble chair that is chained up to the ceiling.

I open the boxes that are taking a seat in my floor. Remove all my framed photographs that I had taken myself and hang them around the room in the empty spaces. I trash the first empty box and raid the next two.

Four pair of shorts, four pair of jeans, and several shirts. "Great! I have nothing to wear!" I say. (Me either) Avery says. I walk out my room and make my way down the hall to my parents room. I open the door to see them unpacking.

"Oh hey honey." Mom says. "Um... I have nothing to wear and neither does Avery." "Yeah sorry son, we were rushed so we didn't pack much, but we'll all go shopping tomorrow downtown and see what we can find." Dad explains. I nod and leave the room.

Knock Knock Knock. Avery opens the door to his room. His room is exactly like mine except the color scheme. Light blue walls, black carpet, solid blue bed set, black desk, and blue bubble chair. I walk over to his made bed and plop down on it spreading my whole body on the surface.

"Just make yourself at home." He jokes. "Mom and Dad said we'll go shopping tomorrow and, I guess we'll hear the new rule as well." "Oh goodie." He states as he rolls his eyes." Avery slowly makes his way to the window and peers out it.

"Looks like we're going to have a heck of a storm." He laughs. "I hate storms!" I mutter. "But I Love the storms." Dad and Mom enter Avery's room. "Let's train!" They both command.

The reason I hate storms is because we train during them, the lightning and Thunder mask our gifts at work, we still train during the day, but we don't go all out as we do when it storms.

"Now don't kill each other! But give it all you got." Dad commands. "Alright!" I yell "let's do this!" Avery replies. We stand in our battle stance ten feet away from each other. We stand anticipating the first move.

Avery quits playing the waiting game and shoots a fireball towards me, which I quickly deflect with a giant ball of water. "You gotta do better than that!" I yell. "Oh really?" He questions. A bolt of lightning comes from the sky and is coming right for me. I raise two finger towards the bolt and it surges through my body and I redirect it towards Avery.

Once it hits he quickly shakes it off, but not quick enough for my attack. I teleport quickly and start throwing punches everywhere over his body. I reach the final blow and throw a uppercut knocking him twenty feet in the air. "That was easy." I say.

I start to walk off, but soon realize Avery hasn't made it to the ground yet, and I quickly grow suspicious. I float up towards the sky in search of him. I see in the distance a larger bolt of lightning inside I see Avery riding it.

I decide to create my own ball of energy created by light green plasma. I form my self into ball and fly towards Avery at the same speed. We start getting closer and closer for impact, I close my eyes not wanting to see the outcome.

A giant light of white is shone throughout the sky which throws both of our body's in opposite directions. But we quickly recover. A giant smile is on both of our faces.

We slowly reach each other. I envelope him in a tight compressed ball of air that slowly squeezes him. I listen as he screams in pain. I use intangibility to allow all of his counter attacks to flow straight through me. His screams slowly get louder and louder until they turn into shrieks of pain. "I win." He slowly loses consciousness.

I release him from the ball and his body sails through the air falling to the ground. His body creates a small crater in the ground when he lands. He lies there motionless. I leave the battle field and enter the house. Another victory.

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