Chapter Four: Skylar

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I plop down on the leather couch in the living room, and release a giant breath. Avery runs in, I can see him looking in living room probably for me. He soon sees me relaxing on the couch and runs in and jumps on me.

"Get off you loser!" I yell. "Nah I'm good." He soon starts to snuggle into me and make himself very comfortable. I teleport standing in front of the couch to watch him fall on the floor. "Hey that's cheating!" He pouts. I send him a wink and teleport to my room. "AUSTIN!" I hear Avery yell from downstairs.

I slowly walk over to the window to watch the rain pour. I soon see a a tall boy in a yellow rain jacket, blue shorts, and grey running shoes standing in the woods behind the house his hood covering his face. I am immediately intrigued by him.

I turn to exit my room, I grab my black umbrella and open it. I then close my eyes and teleport beside the house, hoping I'm far enough away from him he can't see me. I can hear the pitter patter of the rain hitting my umbrella. I open my eyes and see the boy standing several feet away, thankfully I'm hidden from his sight.

I start making my way towards the boy, he still doesn't seem to spot me; his gaze fixated on the illuminated house. I decide to yell out to him hoping not to startle him. "Hello?" He then starts starring at me.

We both start walking towards each other. Once we're 2 feet away I can finally see his face. His dark blonde hair is soaked from the rain and his smile is almost perfect. His skin is a bright tan, with a few moles here and there. I notice that he is actually very tall almost as tall as Avery.

"Oh, I hate to bother you I was taking my afternoon jog which I pass this house everyday seeing as my house is just down the street." "Oh I see the rain kinda ruined it." I state which gets a small chuckle out of the boy "Yeah, the funny thing is I have ran past this house for five years and no one has ever lived in it." He laughs again.

"Oh by the way I'm Skylar Hulkling, I'll be a senior at Washington High School." "Oh well I'm Austin Wiccan, also soon to be a senior at Washington High School." "Hey Austin who is this?" Avery yells while walking towards us.

"And this is my twin brother Avery." Avery stops to stand next to me, he stands with no coat or umbrella so his body starts to get soaked by the down pour. "Hey." He says to Skylar. "Hello I'm Skylar, I live down the street." "Well nice to meet you neighbor." Avery says in a sarcastic tone. "Yeah." Avery rudely walks back into the house without saying goodbye to my new found friend.

"Excuse him, he isn't very friendly." I mutter trying to apologize for Avery's rudeness "Oh it's fine! Excited about school starting?" "Wait what? Hasn't it already started?" "No silly it doesn't start until September 1st, which is a week away." "Oh ok! Glad we didn't miss anything!"  "Yeah, Well if you need a tour, or need someone to sit with at lunch just find me." He shoots me a charming smile. "Okie Dokie, well I have to go, see you next Monday?" "Next Monday it is, hope you have a great rest of the night." "You too." I smile and head back inside, to see Mom and Dad waiting for me.

"Who was that?" Dad questions. "Just a boy who lives down the street, his name is Skylar Hulkling." "What was he doing in our yard?" "Well he said he runs past here ever afternoon." "AVERY!" Dad yells. "What?" He questions as he runs down stairs.

"Son, I would like you to make a stone wall around the house, make it far enough to were that boy can't see us." "Dad you're being over dramatic!" I whine. "No I'm just keeping us safe." Avery makes a swift hand movement and the stone walls comes thrusting up from the ground enclosing the house to form a small fortress.

"Ok I'm done." Avery storms back upstairs to do absolutely nothing. "Are you happy? You may have destroyed the first and only friendship I'll have in this place." I teleport in my room. I flop on my bed making it creak loudly. I grab the pillow lying next to me and place it over my mouth to muffle my screams of frustration.

I then hear a slight knock on the door. "GO AWAY!" I hell into the pillow. Disobeying my command in comes mom. "Honey?" "What mom?" "Don't be upset with your father, I know he is being over the top, but he is making sure that you stay safe." "Yeah I know, but he didn't have to build a 10ft wall!" "He didn't it's just 6ft." Mom states in a loving tone.

"Ugh!" I mutter. "Honey don't worry, I bet you'll see him again at school?" "Yeah he said he would give me a tour." "Awe now isn't he sweet, maybe you won't just have a friend, but a boyfriend." "MOM!! Shut Up!" I yell. "Well he is a cutie!" "Mom!" We sit in a brief silence. "He was kinda cute." I whisper making us both burst out in laughter.

"Well honey get some sleep we have a big day tomorrow, we'll be leaving at 10:00 to get new clothes and some more accessories to fill this dull house." "Ok see you in the morning I love you." "Love you too sweetie." She leaves and shuts the door, leaving me in the darkness. I slowly start to doze off, I finally give up the fight and allow the slumber to consume me.

I soon wake up to the sound of the birds chirping, and the wind blowing. I take a long and hard yawn and stretch in my bed before getting up from my throne. I stand up and realize that I forgot to change in my pjs and slept in jeans and a t shirt. I then check the clock sitting on my desk it reads '9:01'

Welp I better start to get ready, I walk to my closet to find a outfit with the few items of clothing I got before we left. I decide on wearing a pair of Black basketball shorts, a white tank top with black lettering on it, and the black tennis shoes I brought with us.

Once I'm finished getting dressed I run downstairs, I look around to see if anyone is awake. I find the answer to my question and see everyone seated around the dining room table.

"Austin please take a seat we need to have a talk." "Dad if it's about that boy, don't" "It's not that." He says interrupting me. "We need to lay down a few rules." Mom says. Dad slowly stands up and faces us.

"Guys, so here's the deal, since it's getting more dangerous for you, like your mother said we need to lay down a few rules, but since you're getting older we're going to be a more lenient, so you'll be ready for when we're not here anymore." He walks over to me and hands me a new phone, he then walks over to Avery and gives him the same one.

"Now what we just gave you are two of the newest iPhones, but with a few upgrades, you can't be tracked by those, and your calls can't be monitored, and many other minor details which I'll explain later. The rules of the phone are you must text us every three hours saying the single word OK, then delete the text thread. If you don't text us we will assume something happened and we will evacuate the house and will try to locate you. No social media at all the less you've been seen the better so don't be stupid."

Dad takes his seat again and makes himself comfortable by crossing his legs. "Now when we leave today we will buy you each a new car, if anything ever happens to us where we get taken both of you take your cars, and leave as soon as possible, don't come back for us, but if your brother ever gets taken fight to save him no matter what."

Mom then hands us two credit cards with our names on them. "Now here are debit cards wired to your account in your name. Each one has one hundred thousand dollars on it, you will use this to purchase items you will need in the future, but you can start by buying some clothes and items for your room, don't worry we'll keep adding cash to your account over time."

"Speaking of that, starting Monday we will be teaching you how to live as a Gifted, which means you'll be learning how to pay for things without getting a job or exposing yourself, or changing your identity, and even starting a whole new life." They both give us a moment to take everything in which takes a second.

(Austin, this is Crazy)
(I know, the Hunter and the Lords must be really trying to kill us if mom and dad are acting this way)
(Yeah, but hopefully we can stay hidden for a while)
(Yeah maybe we'll graduate here)

"Ok, Austin and Avery, dad and I will take you to the local car dealership to buy a car, then you two can head downtown to pick up somethings for yourself, and we'll go to Walmart to get some stuff for the house and some groceries." We both nod at the same time. "Good deal now let's get going."

Me and Avery both look at each other and smile. "Last one to the car is a loser." We chant at the same time. We then sprint full force to the door and out to the car; Avery reaching it slightly before I do. "I win!" He yells as he jumps up and down. Mom and Dad make their way to the car and soon we're all strapped in the car ready for the day.

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