Chapter ONE

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Hi, I'm Shanelle Antonio.
I study in Yancey Academy in the USA.
A private school in upstate NY for troubled kids.

Am I a troubled kid? Honestly, I'm not sure.
If you consider an ex-pickpocketer and a street artist a troubled person, then yeah.

I come from (somewhere in Asia).
I currently live in the dorms of Yancy.
I have a roommate, her name is Peony Bush.
She has a leg problems, so she uses a walker, and is pretty easy to pick on.

The my class' bully, Sean Bobofit, is a pig with a patch of red hair on his head.
He has an older sister who also studied here, Nancy Bobofit.
But she got kicked out somehow.
I don't know how or why, not do I care.

Though I heard some older schoolmates saying that Nancy Bobofit's favorite people to pick on when she studied here were two guys.
A trouble maker, and his crippled roommate.
Weird, right?

Well, anyways, today we're going on a field trip to the aquarium.
And the teachers told me I should behave myself, because last time didn't go so well.

Me and Peony were planning to sit at the front, but we ended up being forced to move to the back.

Sadly the only seats left were separate.
I had to sit beside this guy who's been on the bus since its doors opened.
Peony sat beside a random person.


The bus ride went pretty fast. Well, I guess I can't really tell since, ADHD.

Anyways, when the came to a halt, the teachers started escorting all off the students to go down.
I told Peony to go ahead of me, I stayed on my seat as everyone passed.

After everyone was off, I shouldered my backpack.
Then was about to get off.

But the guy...
I'm not the type of person who likes to leave others alone.
So I went back, then tapped the guy on the shoulder.
No response.

The guy had a hood on his head, blocking out the light.
I slowly removed the hood from his face.

He had dark eyebags, pale skin, and messy dark hair.
He also didn't have an I.D.

"Um.. Excuse me? "
I said.
The guy didn't even flinch.

"Ahem, Excuse me."
I said slightly louder.

So I got my Cologne, that I don't use (obviously), then placed a tiny droplet on my finger.
Then placed it in front of the guy.
A couple of seconds later, he began to wake.
I rubbed the scent off.

Once he was awake, he gave me a very confused look.
Then he stared at me, like I was a unicorn.
I oddly didn't mind, but I hated silence.

"Uh.. Hi, who are you?"
I said, not really knowing what to say.

Then he snapped out.
He looked at me suspiciously.

He said, sounding very guarded.


Nico's POV
I was having a nightmare, until I smelled something strong.
I shifted a bit, not knowing why my back was so uncomfortable.

Then I opened my eyes, and my surroundings were completely different compared to where I slept last night.

Number 1) A really pretty girl was in front of me. Number 2) I was in a bus. Number 3) I definitely wasn't at camp.

"Uh.. Hi, who are you?"
The girl asked, breaking the silence.
I quickly realized I was staring at her. Jaw down.

I closed my mouth, then examined the girl.
She looked around 14, and had pure black messy hair, and..

I finally gave my answer, "Nico."

The girl just looks at me, not really sure what to do.

"MRS. ANTONIO!! COME OUT OF THAT BUS, RIGHT NOW! Suddenly, woman shrieked angrily out of the bus.


The girl huffed in frustration.
She looked out the windows on the other side, then looked back at me.

"Please come with me."
The girl says.
I know I can shadow travel, but something tells Me, I shouldn't.
I stand up, then follow her out the bus.


Once outside, we were greeted by an old lady.
She looked around 50, and had pale blonde hair, and pale skin.

"Mrs. Antonio, what took you so long? Your class is already inside."
The lady snapped in a sharp voice.

"And You." The lady snapped at me, then squinted her eyes.
"Mr. Di Angelo."

"Yeah? "
I say trying to not be surprised that she knew my name, for all I know, she could be a monster.

The lady stared at me for a bit, then told me & the girl to follow the "class".
Not really knowing what to do, I just followed the girl into an Aquarium.


Once we got inside, we started wandering around looking for the group.

After a while, we couldn't find the group.

The girl looked pretty worried at this point.

While me, being the Stranger who appeared out of nowhere, is walking beside a middle-school girl, clueless.

We were pretty lost at this point, and the girl says she prefers to not talk to any of the staff for some reason.


We went through the Aquariums Famous tunnel thing, to go to the other wing.

And I bumped into some people I didn't really feel like Meeting today.


Shanelle's POV
I was pretty sure we were lost, and I told the Nico guy that I didn't want to talk to the staff.

We were inside the Aquatic Tunnel, and then Nico stopped walking suddenly.

He was staring at a couple.
The guy had black messy hair & Sea green eyes, and the girl had dirty blonde hair and.. I'm not very sure of her eye color.

"Nico, what' wrong? "
I ask him.
Then it looks like I broke the stare he was given them.

"Huh? "
Nico snapped out of concentration.

"What's wrong? "
I repeat.

"Nothing. "
He shrugged, trying to lie.

Then I gave him my
"Uh, are you sure? " face.
But he just ignored me.

I just continue walking, but then I start to feel like I'm being watched.
Or stared at.

I look around, and notice the fishes eyes staring at me.


The next thing I know it, I'm separated from the Nico dude.


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