Chapter TWO

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Shanelle's POV
My eyes were pretty much done for the day, because I was rushing around the building looking for That guy Nico, or any sign of my school group.

I was tired, scared and very lost.
And I do not want to go to the staff.


I was walking out of the Jellyfish area, then took a left, then--

"Oof! "
Cough out.
As Sean Bobofit's Meaty Fat hand punched my stomach.

I stumbled backwards.
I nearly fell, but I managed to keep myself from tripping and passing out.

"Hey Squirt."
I heard Sean's deep Jerk-ish voice say.

"Hey Pig," I managed to say as I clutched my stomach.

Then Sean scowled.
His other guy grabbed my hair, then shoved me to the ground.

I fell on my left arm, luckily I didn't land directly on my shoulder.

Sadly, Sean the Pig, his cow, started kicking me.

I managed to hug my legs, and curl up like a ball.
But they were also kicking my spine, neck, and shins.

Oddly no one noticed us.

Suddenly, Sean grabbed my hair again.
Then held me up, with me tiptoeing.

I didn't scream though.

The next thing I knew it, Sean dropped me.
Then got a punch from someone.

My brain hurts..
My breathing began to slow down...

Then I passed out.

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