Ch. 5

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As soon as we stepped out James asked if I wanted to grab some breakfast with him and I said yes considering I heard my stomach sound like a dying whale.

We reached a small Cafe around the corner of the gym. James opened the door and we chose a small table close to the windows.

The waitress came to get our orders and I got a sweet iced tea with a sandwich while James ordered black coffee with pancakes and toast.

As we waited for our food to arrive we started making small talk. "So (y/n) how old are you?" he asked. "I'm 19 and you?"

"I'm 24" James replied with his British accent. His accent is so hot...."thank you love" shit!..."Did I just say that out loud?" I asked him with a blushed face.

He let out a chuckle followed by a "yes." Our drinks got to the table and I started sipping from my drink when James asked " you have a boyfriend?"

I choked on my drink at the question. I haven't even gotten my first kiss, let alone a boyfriend. "" I replied looking down.

"Well what a shame, you're a really beautiful girl" I blushed maddly. "Um t-thanks, do you have a girlfriend?"

I saw his muscles tense up and his jaw tightening. "Um no, I got out of a bad relationship and I don't really believe in romance anymore."

"That sucks, I bet you would make the perfect boyfriend."

Before James had the chance to respond the waitress interrupted us by bringing our food.

"So are you in college right now?" he asked. "Yes, I'm actually in my 3rd year."

Zayn's POV
What?! She's young, beautiful, AND smart?! "Did you skip a year in high school?" I asked. "No, I actually graduated when I was 16 and went straight into college" she replied with a small shy smile.

She's so adorable..."What career are you studying?" "business".....perfect! "Are you in college or do you have a job?" (y/n) asked.

"I work for an important enterprise" I replied with a sly smirk, "Do you have a job so far (y/n)?"

"I actually had sent my resume to Malik Enterprise but I haven't heard anything from them, I'm probably just not good enough for a big job like that"

(y/n) said as she looked down. By instinct I reached over the table and lifted up her chin. "Don't ever say you're not good enough for anything because you're lying to yourself."

I took time to admire more her features as her face turned crimson red. She's just too good to be true...what are you saying Zayn?! You CAN'T fall in love again! Specially with a stranger!

A cellphone started ringing and I broke eye contact and touch with (y/n). She reached her pocket and answered her phone.

(Y/N)' POV
Sister where are you?
At the little caffe around the corner of the gym. What's wrong Kim?
Oh!! Nothing!*giggles* I was wondering if you can come home so we can start in my tutoring?
Sure, I'll be there in a bit
Ok, bye ma

"James I'm sorry but I have to get going, I promised my sister I would help her on her maths" she explained a bit embarrassed.

"It's alright love" I replied, "I'll walk you to your house."

**skipping the walk**

(Y/N)' POV
We set foot at the entrance gate of my house. "Um- we--well thank you for walking me"...why does he make me so nervous?!..."It was my pleasure, but before you go...can I-" he was nervously scratching the back of his neck, "can I have your number?"

"Sure," we exchanged phones to input our numbers and names into. We said our final goodbye and before I crossed the gate I gave him a hug and a quick peck on the cheek.

The next few hours I spend teaching my sister math so she can pass her math exam.

As I was getting ready for bed I got a text message.

As I was getting ready for bed I got a text message

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My face lit up as soon as I saw who it was. I texted him back a "goodnight❤" and fell asleep once my head hit the pillow.
I'm sorry if this chapter was boring guys, I'll try and make them better.

I also started working on other stories and they are Zayn Malik stories also. I have a few chapters done for each and I just need the cover for the books.


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