Chapter 4

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A hand clamps over my mouth to muffle my screams, "can you not wake up the whole street that would be great" the annoying prick says as he steps inside not waiting for a invitation "Kale you cunt" I say as I close the door "for the last time cupcake the names Kaleb not 'Kale'" he says slightly pissed at the nickname I gave him when we were kids. "well im not a cupcake am I ?" "well you had a ridiculous obsession with cupcakes for a while" he says remembering back to when we were kids and laughing "remember when Sam and I, stole one and you nearly killed us" he says falling onto the couch "yer me and Ben ended yous that day" I say flopping next to him "I kinda miss them" I think out loud which get a confused look from Kaleb "ok Ben I get, but Sam!? " he says sitting up to get a better look at me "ok not the new Sam ..... the old Sam" I say not looking at him "yer me too" he says laying next to me again, we stay there for the rest of the night with our legs on the arm of the chair and soon we fall asleep and after about an hour a very confused Sky shakes me awake "Nieky whos that?" she says looking at the random guy on the couch next to me, yer I see why that would cause some questions "Sky this is Kaleb, aaaaaannnnnddddd im gonna say he's staying for a while, not sure how im meant to tell mum but im working on it" I say looking at the clock "damn Sky you need to get ready for school" I say rubbing my eyes "and I was meant to leave about an hour ago..... oh well" I say rolling off the couch "oi Kale, wake up" I say nudging him with my foot "hmmmmmmm what choo want cupcake" he says rolling over too look at me "you didn't bring your car by any chance did you ?" I say in a pleading tone "I may have brought something better" he says with a smirk "please tell me you brought the killer" I say a tad too excited "you know I did babe" he says smiling. "Can I trust you to drive Sky too school SAFELY" I say with a stern voice "and I guess im taking you after?" he says raising a eyebrow. "well you know you know how you love meeeeeeeee" I say with a innocent smile "ok fine" he says grabbing his keys "so how long do you plan to free load" I say knowingly "welllllllllll you know how you love meeeeeeee" he says getting on his damn knees to beg "alright alright you can stay you suck up" I say laughing as I walk away to get ready. Sky comes in to say she's ready for school "ok bubbles Kalebs gonna take you ok?" I say turning to her "but I don't know him" she says looking at the floor "babes its ok Niekys known him for ages, you can trust him I promise" I say going down to her level "ok" he says a little unsure but goes with him anyway. By the time I've finished getting ready Kalebs back and I run out side and jump on the death machine that Kale calles a motorbike. I'm totally in love with it and even tho I don't have a license Kalebs given me a few lessons. I jump on behind him and he turns to me and says " Skylah is the biggest speed demon ever" he says laughing "yer I know she's awesome"
I say quite proud of the monster I have created. We're at school in no time and as I jump off the bike Kale turns to me and goes "Let me take Sky tonight" Which cause a bit of confusion "what" I say about ready to kill him "well the thing is. There's this girl that I'm staying with tonight and I really really like her and we'll be alone and I don't wanna do anything stupid and I know I won't while there's little kids around so i was wondering if I could have her for the night" Just then my phone buzzed with a message from mum pops up
"I'm going out of town for work for a few days there $500 in you account message me if you need more. Love you's xx" at that point a thought pops into my head and I turn to Kale and say "sure she needs a day off just be careful ok?" I say in a warning tone. "ok I owe you one cupcake" he says planting a kiss on my head "well I've got something planned so can you pick her up and pack her bag?" I ask "yer we should be leaving about 3:30 so I'll see you tomorrow" he says re starting the bike "ok see you then" I say walking into school and straight to the horse shoe and up to Jayson "hey you know how you love me" I say straight away "good morning Tenieka" he says laughing at my upfrontness. I laugh kback and stand on my tippy toes to give him a deep long kiss "now back to what I was saying, do you wanna sleep over tonight? sky's at a friends house and mums away with work?" I say with a slight smirk" he looks at me then a huge smile break out over his face "definitely" He says as the bell rings. After school he drops me off and and says "I'll be back in a hour be ready" with a wink and drives off. This is gonna be a fun night.

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