Chapter 6

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We woke up late Saturday morning and while the rest of the world moved about we stayed wrapped in blankets for a few more hours with no more then whispered comments across pillows and secret kisses while we remained hidden from the world outside,and the responsibilities looming over our heads but we choose not to face them, at least not yet.

Eventually we agreed that the small trip to the kitchen was doable. Well it might have been if we hadn't ended up in a full on flour war resulting in the lose of about 5 kg of perfectly good plan flour by the end of it.

We're still running around the kitchen trying to take cover from each other's attaches when a loud clear of a throat pulls us both up short. With one of jaysons arms around my waist holding my still while he rubs flour all over my face we're both suddenly very aware of my dad's presents in the kitchen doorway. " uuummmmmmmmmm..... hi ." It the only thing I can think to say right now. Flash backs of our last encounter flash back and my hand instantly goes to my cheek where the light bruise still lingers. A flash of pain flashes across my dad's eyes and he's eyes land on my cheek. " Jayson can you give us a moment." He says in a tonne that makes it clear it was a command not a plea. " sure." Jayson let's me go and give me one last questioning look and I dismiss him with a nod " go have a shower I'll be up in a sec." I say flashing him a reassuring smile.

Dad waits till we hear the sound of the bedroom door closing before he speaks. " I'm leaving Tenieka." He says not looking me in the eyes. His workda take a few minutes to proses but when they do my heart sinks a little. " oh. " is the only words that come out my mouth. I honestly didn't know what to say, should I beg him to say? Tell him the we can fix all the problems as a family? I didn't know.

"I'm taking skylah."

If his last words made my heart sink, these ones ripped it out of my chest and put it in a blender while it was still beating. " what. " I replied still too shocked to fully realise what he was saying.

After about 10 seconds of silence his words fully absorbed and when they did only one thing progressed. He was trying to take away my little sister. My heart started beating so fast I swore he could hear it. " no. " I said taking a step forward. "I beg your pardon. " he says mooring my actions. " I said no. I'm not just gonna hand over my little sister to a depressed alcoholic with anger issues." I spit out with as much venom as possible, letting all the hate and anger out that I've kept bottled up inside over the past 8 years to protect my mums feeling. " I don't have anger issues and I'm not an alcoholic." He says his eyes darkening as he takes another step forward. " oh sure you don't. So why have you almost killed mum twice now. " I say taking another step forward. Even though we're getting closer, our voice are getting louder. " I don't mean to." He says glancing away. " it doesn't matter, skylahs 6 she can't handle your slip ups. " I tried to reply in a bitter tonne but my voice broke at the end showing how scared I really was. Not of him but of the thought of him laying a hand on her.

" it's not forever Tenieka but with you mum out of town for a few months, you can't look after her by yourself. " he said , my eyes siding at his words "MONTHS I THOUGHT SHE WAS GOING FOR A FEW DAYS. A WEEK TOPS. " I say panicking. "She said she messaged you about it. " he said with a confused face. " WELL SHE DIDNT AND SHE ALSO FORGOT TO MENTION THAT SHE WAS GIVING AWAY HER DAUGHTER TO HER ABUSIVE FARTHER !" I yell with tears in my eyes and my hearts beating so hard that I feel like it's gonna brake a rib.

He lets out a sigh and shouldered past me, his face Turing to stone. " I'm taking her Tenieka. " he looks around and for the first time notices her absence. " we're is she?" He growls. "At a friends house ." I reply with a small amount of victory. " oh good job, dump at some randoms house while you hook up with your man whore upstairs. " he says Turing to face me. " I DIDN'T HOOK UP WITH JAYSON AND HES NOT A MAN WHORE." I yell trying to defend Jayson more than myself. " oh sorry I forgot , your the whore in the relationship." He says he says giving me a ice cold glare. This time it's my turn to back hand him across his stupid face.

We stand there holding our ground for a few moments, then I hear a sound that makes my heart sink. The click of the front door opening. " BYE KALEB " I hear sky's voice yell out and Kalebs faint reply from the car. Me and dad lock eyes "please don't take her away from me..." I say, my voice cracking. " I'll give you one night. I'll be back tomorrow morning at 10. She better be ready. " he says walking over to greet sky, all traces of anger gone. He promised sky that he'd be back tomorrow so she could go for a sleepover at dad's house, I just sat back and tried not to cry.

After dad left Jayson came downstairs and shot me a worried glance before I just shook my head and walked over to Sky and pulled her in for a hug that just made her giggle. " I love you sky." I say trying not to tear up. " I love you too Nieky ." I hold on tight and never want to let go.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Sep 26, 2016 ⏰

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