Chapter 1

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It's a new morning and the first thing that is said is "fuck". I say this rolling off my nice warm bed and turning off my stupid alarm clock, I'm then walking into my bathroom so I can have a shower and get dressed into the stupid uniform which consists of a white button up blouse and a teal blue pleated skirt. I put on my black converses, straightened my hair and do my make up for the day, which is a must have. I walk down the hall and knock on Skylah's door and for a 6 year old she has more attitude then I do. "Wake up Sky it's time for school." I say as I turn to leave, I hear an animal like noise coming from her enclosure. I chuckle to myself. She's worse than I am in the morning.
I run down stairs and snatch an apple as I pick up my bag I give my mum a kiss "bye mum." I say as I walk out to catch the bus, "bye sweetie have a good day." " BYE SKY LOVE YOU." I yell up the stairs, a faint "bye Nieky" can be heard as I close the front door. That's not my real name though, my real name is Tenieka but people tend to give me the weirdest nicknames and I've just learned to role with it now. I jump on my first bus and put in my head phones, before I know it I'm at the traino with the bus station.
I hop off the bus and cross the road and open the door to a little lunch bar and walk over to the table to shake Daniels hand and scruff up Mitchell's hair, I say a small "Hi" to my favourite brothers and take a seat adjacent the two.
There's about two years between the two and you can definitely tell that they're brothers with a single glance. They've both got black hair and these greyish-blue eyes and even though Daniel is 16 and Mitchell is 14 they're both still serious players and you can tell why the girls fall for them. After about 10 minutes talking we jump on the next bus and are at school in no time.
I walk through the school gates at the back of the school which is where the bus drops us off, we have to walk from one side of the school to the other to see my friends standing around the horse shoe. It's basically a giant seat in the shape of a horse shoe and it's kinda a second home to us all.
I can't help but smile as I walk around the corner. Everyone's telling cool stories about their weekends. It's always alive in the mornings.
We aren't a big group but there's definitely a fair few of us. There's the girls: Chevron, Aimee, Indi, Ivana, Kianna, Lainee, Memphis, Ana, Olivia and my all time favourite. Courtney. Courtney and I have been best friends for years. The guys are a different chapter. They are as followed: Dempsey, Ryan , Aiden , Josh and Jayson. Josh is my guy best friend and Jayson is my everything to be honest.
Not gonna lie everyone in squad is fine as hell. We have been through hell together I love these idiots so much.
As I walk up to the horse shoe I'm bear tackled by Jayson. I laugh and hug him back, "good morning." he says with my face still squished into his chest, I pull away and give him a quick kiss, "morning." I say with the stupid smile only he can give me.
I look into his green eyes that never cease to amaze me. Today they're more light/apple green, somedays they're a really deep green, other days they're a greenly golden and they change with his mood. He has also got dark brown hair that he usually keeps pretty short and the most amazing smile I've ever seen.
I walk over and dump my bag on the horse shoe and give my quick good mornings to everyone, "Hey bitch." Josh says walking over to me, we've been each others bitches since year 9, and for my 15th birthday he got us matching shirts that say 'best bitches' on them. "Hey bitch " I reply.
Josh is the classic cutie. Blonde hair, blue eyes, 5'10 and he could pull of being a player if it wasn't for the fact that he has successfully been dating Courtney since September year 9, which is a month longer than Jayson and I.
The next hug comes from Courtney, who I think is the most stunning girl to walk the earth, and so does Josh. She has got brown hair, hazel eyes that change constantly and is a little shorty at about 5 foot 1 and has some killer curves which Josh loves and she can do make up like a pro.
After about 30 minutes the bell rings and we say our goodbyes and head to contact.
Jason and I walk the same way we walk everyday and spend about 5 minutes talking about random stuff like what happened on the weekend when we weren't texting. Sometimes we just stand there and hug and don't say a word, its great. At 9:07 we say good bye and go to class.
I love my contact, our teacher is the best, Mr Mills or "Milsy" is great, we've had him since year 8 and I like him, he doesn't treat us like kids but he still has a joke with us from time to time. The bell for first period rings and another day of hell begins.

Hi muggles (yes I call you muggles) new book being updated occasionally for you to read and get indulged in. Hope you enjoy, vote and give feedback please and thank you......From Tenieka

a squad story Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant