Chapter 6

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Normal POV:

Its been a few weeks and Cyrus caught all the ghosts almost he still has the Jackel and Juggernaut and I'm secretly working on a plan with Kalina on how to destroy the Machine. I'm walking downstairs to flip on the electricity but before I do I put on my Viewers and looked around at the ghosts and sighed sadly "ok Cole I'm flipping on the lights now" I say into the walkie talkie I havent told Cole of the plan yet because I'm not going to risk Dennis accidently touching her and seeing everything. I finally flipped the switch and the light finally came on I heard clapping coming from upstairs we are finally done building it. As I'm going back towards the stairs I stop and look at the cube that had the symbol for the Angry Princess I was about to take the viewers off but changed my mind and placed them back on my face to see her standing there in the cube glaring at me. "I will get you out of this. I promise and I'm keeping this one" I say. "Cass come on Cyrus has something for you to do!" Cole said over the walkie talkie. I took the viewers off and went back up the stairs "you called" I asked Cyrus who nodded. "follow me" he said. I nodded and followed him outside to see a cube so I put on my viewers and my breath caught into my throat. 'Its him the Jackel' I think for some reason now terrified I never really like this one he scared the living hell out of me. "I want you to hook his cube up" Cyrus said I looked at him confused. "but the electricity is on now why do you need me to.." I was saying until I got cut off. "its an order Miss. Parker" Cyrus barked. I hesisinitly nodded and went and got the cube and took it to the basement. I went back upstairs and grabbed my vest and put it on and went back downstairs my viewers are already on. I heard the Withered Lover say "be careful". I tossed her a great full glance and got into the Cube I kept my eyes on him until I turned my back to hook it up. "watch out" someone said then I got hit in the head and everything went black. When I came to I noticed I was still in the cube but missing my vest I quickly looked up to see the Jackel looking at me menacingly I looked to see the cube closed and guess who Cyrus standing on the other side watching I patted my pockets. He tapped on the cube "looking for something" he said showing me he had my walkie talkie. I quickly looked towards the Jackel to see him right in front of me then he attacked me. He slammed me into one of the walls in the cube and I fell on my stomach in pain he climbed onto my back and just started clawing at it I screamed out in pain and just my luck this place is sound proof. "you thought you could trick me. Its to bad you really was one of my favorite students but all this time was conspiring against me well" he stopped and laughed. "you wont be seeing tomorrow" he said and walked back upstairs.Then everything went black mostly from the blood loss and pain.

Cole's POV:

I'm starting to get worried Cass hasn't come back up yet and everyone has already left. I see Cyrus come back upstairs carrying a vest I went up to him "where's Cassidy" I demanded to know. I didn't notice Dennis beside me just as curious Cyrus casted a look towards the basement. I pushed past him and ran downstairs and put my viewers on I saw the Angry Princess throwing a fit and Roy- I mean The Torn Prince hitting the wall of his cube with his bat. "oh god" I say seeing her in the Jackel's cube being viscously attacked missing her vest. I ran to the Cube and banged on it "stop!" I shout. I felt Dennis pull me away "Go call help" he instructed taking my place and trying to get the Jackel to stop. I ran passed Cyrus and up the stairs and out of the house I know only one person to call Kalina. It rang a few times when she finally answered. "what's wrong Cole"? she asked. "Its Cass Cyrus locked her in with the Jackel and he is attacking her and I don't even know if she's alive" I cry. I hear her cues " I'm coming" she said and hung up. I pased back and forth until she finally got here. I took her downstairs I handed her a pair of Spectral Viewers and she put them on as soon as we got to the jackels cube she pushed Dennis to the side and glared at Cyrus. "You let her out Cyrus now" she demanded. He opened the cube and she threw in a flair to get the Jackel off her and went in and got her out. As soon as she got Cass out the cube closed again "oh god" Kalina said. "her back is gone no skin at all" she said. I looked at Cyrus with anger before I got a chance to say anything Kalina was in his face with fury. "what the hell Cyrus what where you thinking she could've died" she yelled. She turned her attention back to Cass and picked her up and carried her outside to her car. I followed her car to her house and went inside with Kalina and took Cass's unconcess body up to her room. Kalina laid her down on her stomach on the bed and went to the bathroom and got the first aid kit and started bandaging her whole back. "her nose is broken" I pointed out. Kalina put her hand on Cassidy's nose and squeezed her eyes shut for a sec and popped her nose back into place. She then went back to finish bandaging her up. "ok that should do it" Kalina said sighing. I looked at her there is something in her eyes a look I know but haven't seen in a long time. "is she going to be ok" I asked looking at my best friends unconscious body. "I think so. god I hope so" Kalina said running her hand through her hair. I looked at her "are you going to be ok?" I asked catching her off guard. She looked at me and nodded "yea I'm going to be fine" she said. "I'm going to go on home I'll call tomorrow to check up on her" I say and leave.

Kalina's POV:

I cant believe that sorry son of a ohhh I look at her none moving body I bring a chair to her room and sit beside her bed and put my hand through her hair. I'm soo happy Cole called me if she hadn't I don't know what would've happened if she came here and told me that Cass died. I hope Cyrus waits for awhile before going after the Juggernaght I don't want Cassidy hurt when we confront him. I looked back at her she is sleeping soundly but man is she going to be sore in the morning. She winces a little as she moves an inch and she lets out a whimper. I don't like seeing her like this god what is happening to me? I know I have always been protective but I don't know what's happening to me. I feel my eyes closing and fell asleep.

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