Chapter 11

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Normal POV:

Ok we barely made it in "ok you guys lets do this" I say they nod we head down stairs to hear screaming I light a flair up we go around the corner to see Kathy being held up by the Jackel and being viscously attacked "HEY!" I shouted it turned around and I through the flair Kalina and Andy went over and helped Arthur. I see the Jackel pop back up and I do the only thing I can think of and run towards it and past him he of course came after me. I felt him barely scratch my arm "Cass get your ass over here the walls closing"Kalina yelled. I barely made it I slid on my knees I sit up and look over my shoulder "Who are you two and what the hell was that" Arthur said looking at me thankful. "Kathy give him the glasses" I say gently I can tell she is terrified she took them off and gave them to him "put them on" I instruct him. He did "oh my god" he said I laugh. "god has nothing to do with this place" I tell him. "I'm Kalina and this is Andy and you know Cassidy we work for the Spirit Reclamation Business we free trapped souls" Kalina explained. I look back to where Kathy was but one problem "umm Kathy's gone" I point out confused 'she was just here where did she go' I ask myself. "What Kathy!" Arthur shouted I looked forward to see the first born son "umm we need to go" I say Kalina and Andy now looking. "I'm not going anywhere without my kids" Arthur said. "tell him that" Kalina whispered he turned and looked we then ran "Cass watch out!" Andy shouted "huh" I ask and turn to have the great child grab my throat then I hear the Arthur scream in pain I get lifted off the ground. I see Dan- I mean the Angry Princess come around the corner "son of a bitch" I barely say I see a flair land next to us and I get dropped gasping for air I look over my shoulder Kalina and Andy both looked surprised and pointed to Arthur who looked like he was in pain I see the Jackel looking at me my eyes widened "we need to go" I croak out. Kalina helps me up and Andy helps Arthur up and we ran we stop and Kalina brings out the Arcanum "ok we are right under the library" she said Andy gets one of the tables and is able to move one parts of the ceiling to the  library and pulled himself up and then Kalina went up. "you go first" I told him "you sure" he asked I nodded and my eyes went wide because I just noticed the Hammer is about to be released "go!" I shout and help Arthur up "oh shit" I whisper seeing the Hammer being released I jumped on top of the table and got pulled up by Kalina just in time and Andy put the floor piece back. "What are you three doing here" Dennis yelled. I saw Cole who came and hugged the three of us "Cass what happened to your throat" Cole asked looking at my neck "the Great Child" I said she nodded "oh and your arm" she asked "Jackel again" I said. Then we sat down Maggie was shocked to see me here "you said you was in an accident" Arthur said. "Sort of your uncle intentually tried to kill me by locking me in with the Jackel and well" I said and lifted the back of my shirt up. "yea" I say and put my shirt back down.

Cole's POV:

We are sitting around Dennis running his mouth "are you that stupid he used you both of you" Kalina said I nodded because I already knew that. Then I saw Cass smirk "you haven't told him have you" Cass said I knew instantly what she meant "no don't do this" Dennis begged. "you should've thought about that before" Cass said. "Tell me what" Arthur asked Cass gave him a sympathetic look. "about the fourth ghost" Cass said. Kalina then named a date of a house fire and Arthur got mad and attacked Dennis and punched him "are you telling me my wife's Spirit is trapped inside this house" Arthur said angry. Cass nodded sadly "I didn't know about you I didn't  know she had a husband" Dennis said. "no you just didn't care because if you did you would've known two more of these ghosts mean something to me and Cole" Cass hissed. Kalina put a hand on her shoulder and Cass looked at her and her eyes softened 'ok did I miss something' I ask myself. I'm sitting beside Andy I saw Kalina pull out a book "this is the Arcanum It was written by the 15th century Astrologer Basilius."Kalina explained. Cass went and kneeled down beside her and looked at Arthur "this isn't a house its a machine  designed by the devil and powered by the dead. It requires thirteen earthbound spirits to work which represent The Black Zodiac. Once the machine is activated, it will open the Ocularis Infernum Latin for" Cass explained but stopped. "The Eye Of Hell" Arthur finished they nodded and Cass continued " its and eyes located in Hell that, once opened, will allow its user to see everything in the past, present, and future in Heaven, Earth and Hell." Cass finished explaining. "The Blueprints for the machine were written in the Arcanum by Basileus while he was under demonic possession."Kalina explained opening the Arcanum "these are the spirits Cyrus needed. The First Born Son, The Torso, The Bound Woman" Kalina stoped and looked at Arthur "The Withered Lover" then Kalina looked at me "The Torn Prince" I  looked down she continued "The Angry Princess" she said I looked at Cass who had her eyes closed I know just like me holding back tears. "The Pilgrimess, The Great Child and The Dire Mother" Kalina said I saw Cass rub her neck "The Hammer, The Jackel, The Juggernaut, and The Broken Heart" Kalina said and looked at Arthur.

Normal POV:

I looked at Arthur "there is a reason why you and your family is here Arthur" I started he looked at me. "why didn't you tell me"he asked. "would you believe me and we wasn't sure at first" I tell him he nodded "then what's the reason" He asked I looked at the Arcanum and read "The Broken Heart dies by leaping into the core of Basileus's machine out of an act of Pure Love" he looked at me "what does that have to do with me" he asked. "Arthur Cyrus chose you to be the thirteenth ghost" I said then stopped and looked at Dennis "but how your kids went missing I have no idea" I tell him. "we need to think of a plan" Andy said who is beside Cole. "I want my kids" Arthur said. "if you want our help you need to help us first" Kalina said he nodded. "then what are we going to do" he asked.

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