My Life Would Never be the Same:3

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 It's Monday, the worst day of the week and I am here waiting at my bus stop. I really wish I had a drivers license. Life would be a lot easier that way.

I saw Kelly walking fast towards me as if in doubt to have missed the bus, our stops are not the same, though. We come over every once in a while but this time, I invited her.

Okay Angie, its time... I was pulling a prank on Kelly first thing in the morning today. She did not answer my text and the other day was yelling at me for not answering. Weird.

I had lay down a mat on the grassand...too late she was already slipping on the icy mat. It was camouflaged of course. I hope it did not hurt that bad because it wasn't meant to be.

The bus was approching and she was still down yelling at me and...uh-oh. I helped her get up so the bus wouldn't have to wait. It was right on time that I did it... I did something I don't know I could, I gathered up my courage and went in front of the bus. I did not mean to do that but it worked, the bus stopped right in time to not have crushed me under.

"Get out of the way!" yelled the bus driver.

"But I ride this bus," I yelled back.

"Well then, come on in." was the answer.

I went inside after Kelly, I can't believe I and I mean I could do such a crazy thing for my best friend. Afterall, I got her in this trouble in the first place.

A couple of front seats were taken and I followed Kelly to see where she was gonna sit. People were staring so hard that I was embarrased and started to walk faster, only to miss the only open spot in the bus which, of course, Kelly had taken.

I leaned in to sit beside her but she stopped me with her hand and I was shocked. Where else will I sit? I looked around and saw the girl named Stacy and eventually sat beside her instead.

When we got off the bus the bus driver stopped me to give his "lecture" of what could happen if the bus didn't stop in time. I nodded my head continuesly not paying attention to a word she said. Blah-blah-blah... boring.

I ran towards Kelly who was really mad at I yelled 'wait.'  I could tell it by her face she was ignoring me and our first period class is not together so this is the only time I wanna talk about it, honestly. At least we had lunch together though. Maybe I could talk to her then.

At lunch, we sat on the same table but two chairs away, in the middle were sitting Stacy and one of her other friend who I don't really know.I asked them to changed seats with me and they agreed. This was it.

"Hi," I started.

"Hey," she mumbled under her breath that told me she didn't wanna talk.

Silence. "I'm sorry," I said after a while.

"Mmm-hmm," was the answer.

" I can explain--"

"You don't have to," she cut me off as she turned to actually look me in the eye for the first time since what happened at the bus stop.

She started to get up and I tried to stop her but I couldn't. Something in me told me I shouldn't after what I had done. And now I don't expect her to ride the bus in the afternoon.


It was over, this day had been such a disappointment that I wished I wouldn't have started a prank on a school day. I felt so lonely out there alone And the weird thing is she took it seriously, she never takes it seriously so what happened? Why now?

I entered the bus to find no open seats, again and this time there were more people than before. Perfect, now I could sit with Kelly, you know, if she was riding the bus herself.

Turns out she was, and this time she didn't stop me from sitting beside her because she knew ther were absolutely no open spots left now.

Maybe this time I am lucky to sit here because now I can talk to her.

"Kell?" I started

"Ang-ie." She said slowly, I think she was trying to find a nickname for me and maybe she was not mad at me afterall. That almost made me laugh but I stopped when she started to look over at me.

I cleared my throat to let her know I wanted to talk and that she shouldn't have ignored me...

"Look, I'm sorry for what happened. It wasn't meant to be taken seriously--" I stopped and turned away: "It was a prank." I mumbled, barely loud enough for her to hear.

"But I took it seriously... for a reason," she said. I turned to look at her. What? What reason? Is it to teach me a lesson?

"It was to teach you a lesson," she said finally. Woah! It was as if she had read my mind.

"What?" I blurted out and until I realized I had said it, her face started to turn red. Uh-oh she's gonna yell at me, I could tell it by her eyes.

"Do you even know what you have done?" she started. "This whole thing---these "pranks"-- of yours, get over it before it really starts to affect you... oh! wait, it already has! Can you tell me one--just one-- nice thing you have done for me in a while, can you?? She was literally yelling and true, I had no answer to that question.

She started to calm down. "Look, you don't have to do this for me but think about yourself... what you've started--" she did not say anything else after that.

I was speechless. What should I do? Leave the mess I created hanging there? Or get over it? Or wait for it to pass by?

None of these options felt right because I should do what's right and---

This conversation never seemed to end. "Bye," I whispered to myself and until I realized it, we were at Kelly's stop. She got off without saying goodbye or giving me a hug, leaving me wondering what to do next.

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