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John crinkled his nose, not liking the sound of that. But then again, he didn't control the weather.

"You like the rain?" He asked as he peeled off his soaked coat. He grimaced as it clung to his skin, but it was better than anything.

Ringo turned to him, and John found himself staring back at the bluest pair of eyes he'd ever seen. They almost--- no, scratch that, they definitely looked like the sky. If the weather wasn't so harsh at times.

"Mhm," He hummed, nodding his head as his eyes flickered to the windowpane once more. "You?"

"Not really," John scoffed. His hands found his pack of ciggies, miraculously not wet. "What's to like about that horrible weather?"

Ringo gave him an incredulous look.

"What's not to like about the rain?"


"I think it's the best weather out of all the others," Ringo argued, folding his arms in his chest.

"You really like the rain, then?" John chuckled, the hand towel hanging from his neck like some kind of athlete.

And, as if on cue, the pitter-patter if droplets ceased. The two looked outside. Ringo's droopy eyes widened slightly.

"It stopped."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2016 ⏰

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